
Hide and Seek and Cheerios

My husband and I played hide and seek with the twins the other night. However, it went more like, my husband or I help the twins hide and then they yell, "I'm over here." They didn't quite get the idea of hiding and keeping quiet. They did have a blast, though. And so did my husband and I.

This morning, the twins decided to practice some dexterity by cutting out some pictures I had printed off the Internet. Twin2 was very excited and asked for help putting his fingers in the holes of the scissors (child scissors) and did a great job cutting out each of the pictures. Twin1 started out with the right intentions. He didn't want help with the scissors and once he got started decided that ripping was far more efficient.

The baby has finally moved past the Cheerios only stage. He has been very slow with his eating of solid foods. A lot of foods have given him digestive troubles: gas, constipation. We were feeding him a jar of prunes a day and were not seeing much of a result. And he hated it, too. We were resorting to suppositories, which are so much fun. Until, I decided to start feeding him the hemp seeds that I eat in my yogurt and then everything was fixed. As long as he eats a 1/2 tbs. of hemp seeds everyday, he is a happy camper. He sleeps much better and is far happier in the middle of the night, which really is the only time he gives us any sort of problems. Anyway, once I figured out his digestive issues, he started eating more solids. Until, I introduced Cheerios. Then he refused to eat anything accept yogurt and hemp seeds, and Cheerios. When he saw the Cheerios he would get a huge grin on his face. When I put some on his tray, he would dive in with both hands and shove the cheerios in his mouth. My husband and I tried to get a video of this, but his love of Cheerios is starting to waver a little bit. I think he is headed for another growth spurt and has realized he may need to eat something of substance to do this. It is pretty amazing how the body works. How it know what it needs even at the age of 10 months old.

I think the baby has actually started to speak his first words. I am quite in awe because the twins didn't really start saying anything that we could understand until they were about 18 months old. They had the whole twin speech going and could understand each other well enough to strategize their next onslaught. The baby, though, is clearly saying 'Da' and today said 'Ma.' When my husband comes through the door from work, the baby starts yelling, "Da, da, da, da." So, we figured that he new who his Da da was. Today, I was in the bathroom drying off the twins from the bath and the baby was shut outside the door screaming at me. When one of the twins opened the door to get let out, the baby came crawling in still crying, climbed to a stand on me and stated yelling, "Ma, ma, ma." Wow. Now he even knows my name. Astonishing. There truly is a difference to raising twins vs. singletons.

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