

Fantastic day so far. We went to 'Strong Start' this morning. The twins always have a blast there. Although, there was a bit of a tussle over the tool bench. This resulted in the second ever time out that I have had to give at school. Ah well. Lesson learned, I think.....

My nephew was dropped off at school for me to watch while his parents were 'in transition.' For once, I think he had a great time visiting. He ate all his lunch. The kids played hide and seek. We made 'Scotch Shortbread' cookies courtesy of 'The Cookbook.' Then his mom came and picked him up. Great, great morning.

Now, I think the twins are downing an entire bag of animal crackers. I can hear them saying, "Lots. Need, lots." I am sure to find a pile on each of their plates in the kitchen. But, at least they are sitting at the table and not sneaking off to make a mess that I will find in a few days once it starts to smell.

I like days like this. Busy, low stress, fun filled. Now, do I venture to the library..... Nope. Better not to push my luck.

Twin1 has started wiping his face after I give him a kiss. He is still too young to think it is gross. I hope. I guess I'll just have to give him even more kisses. He, He.

We have a crazy busy week ahead of ourselves. We are off to Disney on Ice tomorrow night with the twins, thanks to 'cuz' for the tickets. Speaking of tickets, we seem to have lost them. My husband and I will have to do an all over house search tonight. I have a sneaking feeling that I may have thrown them out. What to do?

On Thursday, I am taking Twin1 to see the naturopath. I hope to discover some wonderful things and get some insight.

Then on Sunday, my husband and I are going to have a much deserved date night at the 'Four Seasons Hotel.' I can't wait. My husband won a gift certificate in a golf tournament - $150. I have no idea how we will spend all of it. Perhaps we will get 2 nights out of it. The twins will spend the night at Papa and Nan's, and the 'cuzes' are going to watch the baby. Thank you everyone.

Well, the twins just ran down stairs giggling and the baby has turned on 'the robot' and turned of the computer power, so I had better run.

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