

I went shopping with the little man this morning. Mom watched the twins for me while I redeemed the gift card I had won for losing the most weight during a monthly challenge at Herbal Magic. I went into the store and found a few items that I liked, picked out size 'M' in all only to discover that they were all too big. Wahoo. I really didn't think that I would ever be 'S' again. I also wanted to pick out a dress for my husband's work social this year, but all were too big. A problem that I am quite happy to have. I came home with a few new shirts to add to my ever expanding wardrobe. I now find myself changing clothes several times a day because I have so many. I went from having 3 pairs of pants to about 25. Thank goodness pants haven't changed too much in 5 years. Shirts, on the other hand, are a different story. All of my previous shirts are way out of style.

The baby was wonderful. He played very nicely with the clothes hangers. He did, however, pee through his diaper and on to me. But, at this stage, I am pretty used to being covered with all sorts of body fluids. I rarely even change after this happens. Just par for the course as a mom.

When I picked up the twins, they were flushed with glee. They had a fantastic time with Nan, doing all the crazy and wild things that they do there - hockey (inside and outside), gardening, watering plants, breakfast at Rolly's (with paper planes flying all over the restaurant into other people's food). We got in the door and they were ready to veg, allowing me time to feed the baby lunch and put away purchases that needed putting away before little hands got into it all.

Another great day around here.

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