
Time Change, Shmim-Change

I don't think the time change happens over night. Like jetlag, it seems to take a week to several weeks to readjust. Around here, the time change has yet to happen. The kids are now waking at, what is now, somewhere between 4:30 and 5:30am. Ug. And they are exhausted and cranky by 6pm. Keeping them up later doesn't seem to help anything - they just get sick. We try to fight it and tell them to go back to bed, or let them climb in to our beds, but this doesn't work. Instead, somewhere in the next few weeks my husband and I will have noticed that we adjusted. I don't know when this happens, but all of a sudden it does. It must be like the sun, where we adjust slowly, by minutes a day. Next year I hope I remember this and stop making it such a big deal. We will adjust. It is just that sleep is so paramount in our lives at the moment. Caffeine will get us through! All hail caffeine!

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