

Yet another sick day around here. This cold seems to take awhile to take hold and then when it does it never leaves. The poor hubby was up with the toddler most of the night. Baby's, or at least our baby's, seem to have such a hard time with a stuffy nose. All three of them really have a tough time sleeping and end up sleeping on daddy's chest. Perhaps it is just the comfort of dad, but they all seem to sleep a little better when they are elevated.

I remember one cold with the twins. They each took turns not sleeping at night, first one, then the other. The only way we could get twin1 to sleep was seated in his car seat with the car running. Poor hubby spent the majority of the night trying to sleep in the car, while I was in the house trying to sleep with twin2. Oh, those were the times.

With this cold, it seems that they are staggering themselves. So instead of getting it all over with a few sleepless nights, the lack of sleep is stretched over several weeks. We are currently on day 3 of week 2. But, really, who am I kidding. My husband and I do not sleep even when the kids are healthy. We sort of doze in preparation for the next screaming child. And why are we having a forth? Hmm. Because kids are wonderful when they are healthy. Oh, and when they are sick they cuddle a lot. Maybe having sick kids isn't quite so bad!!

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