

We are up and running again. Ya.

We have been riding a bed 'Merry Go Round' of late. The toddler is finally sleeping in his room, at least for part of the night. He starts out in his room until he wakes around midnight. Then, I head upstairs to the spare bed and my husband wonderfully takes care of the Toddler, who inevitably remains sleeping in my spot. Around 1:00am Twin2 comes up stairs to pee and climbs in to sleep with me. He remains until 4:00am when Twin1 comes upstairs to pee. Then, Twin2 is carried down to his bed and bribed to stay there with some milk. Twin1 takes over Twin2's spot next to me and remains until morning. Now as for me, it all depends on how Twin1 is sleeping, as to whether I remain in the spare bed or go sleep in Twin1's bed. If Twin1 is really congested, then I am not going to get any sleep, so instead of willing it out, I head down to his bed. I just hope he doesn't figure out that Mom isn't there!

Now I ask you. Who is in charge of the sleep situation around here? The kids or the parents? HA.

I figure I might just get some sleep in about 5 years. Maybe. I hope.

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