
A Few Moments of Bliss

3. I have now sent the twins to daycare 3 times. My mother is extra busy these few weeks, so her weekly visit with the twins was not able to happen. I however still need some ME time. Thus, the twins are off to daycare for a couple hours this afternoon. As luck would have it, the toddler continues to sleep!!! Shocking. He is heading on 2 hours now. WOW.

Despite my hesitancy to send away my lovely children, they don't seem to mind at all. They run in the house and start playing immediately. Oddly enough, the toy of choice is the train set. Umm. We have this too and they play with it constantly. When I picked the twins up last week, they did not want to leave. I am pretty sure this is going to happen again. It does make me feel better, though, knowing that they are there willingly and happily. My guilt is subsiding, although not all gone.

I am most definitely not ready to have the toddler go, though. Nope, No way.

I don't think I have mentioned this, but my husband and I are off to an Olympic even on Saturday. Wahoo. He very generously received tickets through work. I am very excited to take in some Olympic action. My sister is coming in to watch all the kids. This is here first time doing it all alone!!! Oh, and her first time having to deal with diapers - she has refused thus far. He. He. Thanks.

We unexpectedly took in some Olympic action last weekend. My husband wanted to spend the day out of the house doing family things, so we headed to Science World for the day. As we had no Internet at that time, we were hoping to arrive as it opened. Unfortunately, Science World does not exist at the moment. It is an Olympic site. I think we were the only ones who did not know this. I should mention at this point that we have now attempted to visit Science World twice and still have not been successful. One day, though, I know the kids will love it.

All of our driving was not in vain, though, we headed to the Aquarium instead. We had a blast there and came away with a gorgeous family picture. It's just too bad it has the Aquarium drop in background. Still it's very nice, though. We took it in to get framed because it is the only family picture we are going to get as a family of 5. Wow.

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