I need to take back a few things from yesterday's post: nausea - not fully gone yet, exhaustion - still there (although, exhaustion is just part of being a parent). I believe I'll be heading to bed around 7pm tonight. Ya.
On a happier note, Dad took a break from Olympic Curling and came home today. He stopped by for a welcomed visit. I took the opportunity to run to the grocery store saving myself some headache later in the day. 3 kids in the grocery store is not fun. The last time I tried it, the toddler screamed and the twins put on a wrestling match, full on with face mushing in the ground/screaming/pushing/crying, at the front of the store while I attempted to pay.
I will make this short. The kids have been banging on the key board and the 'e' key it extremely difficult to push and the 'o' key is missing. Kids! :)
Life is finally getting back to 'normal' around here. My nausea has gone, so I am no longer cooking 3/4 different meals at a time. Also, I am now able to last longer between meals. Hopefully, the weight gain will slow down a little now. I have gone from being able to choose from 20 pairs of pants to 3. Next, I head back to the basement and pull the fat clothes back out. Ug. I had really hoped not to have to do that for at least another month. Exhaustion is finally starting to go away. I have energy to make it through the day now.
My wonderful husband organized for me to have my hair done yesterday. It looks great. I have multiple colors once again. Ya, It feels good to have a little blonde back. It brightens things up, oh and gives me an excuse for my pregnancy brain. He.
The twins are great. They are really starting to come into their own personalities. I took Twin2 to the store with me on the weekend for some alone time. He held my hand, cuddled me and in the line up said, "Luv you too, mom." There is nothing more wonderful.
Potty training continues to be a work in progress. Twin1 just doesn't have things together today. I really have no idea what to do, except keep on. Huh. Sigh. I think I will wait for the next 2 to train themselves. I don't care if they are 5 years old. The added stress and frustration on both our parts just doesn't seem worth it. Sure we are saving $250 a month, but am I really getting that back with the scolding and bribing..... I don't think so.
The toddler is climbing on everything. I thought we would be able to get away with keep the chairs out, but they are currently all hidden. Every time I turn my back, he is standing in the middle of a table jumping with glee. He has already fallen off several times. Thus, the chairs are all pushed back into corners. Ug. Perhaps this stage will be shorter with only 1. Ha.
We went to Strong Start this morning. The rest of the day will be lazy with laundry, cooking, dishes, and a walk. Just the usual.
My wonderful husband organized for me to have my hair done yesterday. It looks great. I have multiple colors once again. Ya, It feels good to have a little blonde back. It brightens things up, oh and gives me an excuse for my pregnancy brain. He.
The twins are great. They are really starting to come into their own personalities. I took Twin2 to the store with me on the weekend for some alone time. He held my hand, cuddled me and in the line up said, "Luv you too, mom." There is nothing more wonderful.
Potty training continues to be a work in progress. Twin1 just doesn't have things together today. I really have no idea what to do, except keep on. Huh. Sigh. I think I will wait for the next 2 to train themselves. I don't care if they are 5 years old. The added stress and frustration on both our parts just doesn't seem worth it. Sure we are saving $250 a month, but am I really getting that back with the scolding and bribing..... I don't think so.
The toddler is climbing on everything. I thought we would be able to get away with keep the chairs out, but they are currently all hidden. Every time I turn my back, he is standing in the middle of a table jumping with glee. He has already fallen off several times. Thus, the chairs are all pushed back into corners. Ug. Perhaps this stage will be shorter with only 1. Ha.
We went to Strong Start this morning. The rest of the day will be lazy with laundry, cooking, dishes, and a walk. Just the usual.
Kids really can sleep anywhere. I wish it was that easy for me!!

Last night the twins made me dinner. They pulled out every pan we had, placed them all on the stove, stirred with utensils, and put it all on the table. What great kids. And all for me.
Beautiful Weather
We have had some gorgeous weather this week. The kids and I have been taking advantage of it by heading outside often. 

(That's Twin1 for ya! Even fire trucks need a turn on the swing.)
Yesterday, mom watched all three boys and I headed off to run errands. I went to the garden store to get supplies to start seeds: Dahlia and Thunbergia. The itch to garden is starting.
Food Sensitivity Re-test
We had twin1 retested and received great results. We can now eat oats, apricot, cantaloupe, watermelon, green beans, soy (non-GMO), cucumber, green pea, peppers, eggs, shrimp, tuna, beef, honey, fructose. Wahoo. Life is getting back to normal. Although we still have to make sure that the above foods are only eaten in moderation.
We have noticed that their facial skin is smooth and clear, not splotchy. We all got a virus last week and we did not have to use any puffers. Ya. I think things are definitely heading in the right direction. One day I may have healthy children. Ya.
We have noticed that their facial skin is smooth and clear, not splotchy. We all got a virus last week and we did not have to use any puffers. Ya. I think things are definitely heading in the right direction. One day I may have healthy children. Ya.
What a Blast
We had a great, GREAT time at our Olympic event. Canada beats Slovakia 18 -0. A bit of a blowout, but great fun nonetheless. The atmosphere was infectious. The music was great. I sat in my seat and wiggled the entire time, did the wave when it came along, the chicken dance, polka, and 'Put your hands up in the air, put your hands up in the air." What fun. That was the most time my husband and I have spent together, awake, in over 2 years!! How kids change your life.
Go Bananas
Literal or not?
We are off to Go Banana's (indoor play yard) this morning with 7 kids all under 4, plus one in utero, and 3 adults! Fun, fun. At least I hope it will be.
We are off to Go Banana's (indoor play yard) this morning with 7 kids all under 4, plus one in utero, and 3 adults! Fun, fun. At least I hope it will be.
A Few Moments of Bliss
3. I have now sent the twins to daycare 3 times. My mother is extra busy these few weeks, so her weekly visit with the twins was not able to happen. I however still need some ME time. Thus, the twins are off to daycare for a couple hours this afternoon. As luck would have it, the toddler continues to sleep!!! Shocking. He is heading on 2 hours now. WOW.
Despite my hesitancy to send away my lovely children, they don't seem to mind at all. They run in the house and start playing immediately. Oddly enough, the toy of choice is the train set. Umm. We have this too and they play with it constantly. When I picked the twins up last week, they did not want to leave. I am pretty sure this is going to happen again. It does make me feel better, though, knowing that they are there willingly and happily. My guilt is subsiding, although not all gone.
I am most definitely not ready to have the toddler go, though. Nope, No way.
I don't think I have mentioned this, but my husband and I are off to an Olympic even on Saturday. Wahoo. He very generously received tickets through work. I am very excited to take in some Olympic action. My sister is coming in to watch all the kids. This is here first time doing it all alone!!! Oh, and her first time having to deal with diapers - she has refused thus far. He. He. Thanks.
We unexpectedly took in some Olympic action last weekend. My husband wanted to spend the day out of the house doing family things, so we headed to Science World for the day. As we had no Internet at that time, we were hoping to arrive as it opened. Unfortunately, Science World does not exist at the moment. It is an Olympic site. I think we were the only ones who did not know this. I should mention at this point that we have now attempted to visit Science World twice and still have not been successful. One day, though, I know the kids will love it.
All of our driving was not in vain, though, we headed to the Aquarium instead. We had a blast there and came away with a gorgeous family picture. It's just too bad it has the Aquarium drop in background. Still it's very nice, though. We took it in to get framed because it is the only family picture we are going to get as a family of 5. Wow.
Despite my hesitancy to send away my lovely children, they don't seem to mind at all. They run in the house and start playing immediately. Oddly enough, the toy of choice is the train set. Umm. We have this too and they play with it constantly. When I picked the twins up last week, they did not want to leave. I am pretty sure this is going to happen again. It does make me feel better, though, knowing that they are there willingly and happily. My guilt is subsiding, although not all gone.
I am most definitely not ready to have the toddler go, though. Nope, No way.
I don't think I have mentioned this, but my husband and I are off to an Olympic even on Saturday. Wahoo. He very generously received tickets through work. I am very excited to take in some Olympic action. My sister is coming in to watch all the kids. This is here first time doing it all alone!!! Oh, and her first time having to deal with diapers - she has refused thus far. He. He. Thanks.
We unexpectedly took in some Olympic action last weekend. My husband wanted to spend the day out of the house doing family things, so we headed to Science World for the day. As we had no Internet at that time, we were hoping to arrive as it opened. Unfortunately, Science World does not exist at the moment. It is an Olympic site. I think we were the only ones who did not know this. I should mention at this point that we have now attempted to visit Science World twice and still have not been successful. One day, though, I know the kids will love it.
All of our driving was not in vain, though, we headed to the Aquarium instead. We had a blast there and came away with a gorgeous family picture. It's just too bad it has the Aquarium drop in background. Still it's very nice, though. We took it in to get framed because it is the only family picture we are going to get as a family of 5. Wow.
We are up and running again. Ya.
We have been riding a bed 'Merry Go Round' of late. The toddler is finally sleeping in his room, at least for part of the night. He starts out in his room until he wakes around midnight. Then, I head upstairs to the spare bed and my husband wonderfully takes care of the Toddler, who inevitably remains sleeping in my spot. Around 1:00am Twin2 comes up stairs to pee and climbs in to sleep with me. He remains until 4:00am when Twin1 comes upstairs to pee. Then, Twin2 is carried down to his bed and bribed to stay there with some milk. Twin1 takes over Twin2's spot next to me and remains until morning. Now as for me, it all depends on how Twin1 is sleeping, as to whether I remain in the spare bed or go sleep in Twin1's bed. If Twin1 is really congested, then I am not going to get any sleep, so instead of willing it out, I head down to his bed. I just hope he doesn't figure out that Mom isn't there!
Now I ask you. Who is in charge of the sleep situation around here? The kids or the parents? HA.
I figure I might just get some sleep in about 5 years. Maybe. I hope.
We have been riding a bed 'Merry Go Round' of late. The toddler is finally sleeping in his room, at least for part of the night. He starts out in his room until he wakes around midnight. Then, I head upstairs to the spare bed and my husband wonderfully takes care of the Toddler, who inevitably remains sleeping in my spot. Around 1:00am Twin2 comes up stairs to pee and climbs in to sleep with me. He remains until 4:00am when Twin1 comes upstairs to pee. Then, Twin2 is carried down to his bed and bribed to stay there with some milk. Twin1 takes over Twin2's spot next to me and remains until morning. Now as for me, it all depends on how Twin1 is sleeping, as to whether I remain in the spare bed or go sleep in Twin1's bed. If Twin1 is really congested, then I am not going to get any sleep, so instead of willing it out, I head down to his bed. I just hope he doesn't figure out that Mom isn't there!
Now I ask you. Who is in charge of the sleep situation around here? The kids or the parents? HA.
I figure I might just get some sleep in about 5 years. Maybe. I hope.
Computer Problems
We are with out a computer at the moment. A virus has infected our computer and is not allowing us to even open up the main page. Thus, it is in getting decontaminated. And I am left without my creative outlet. I miss my blog.
We are at my parents for family dinner tonight, so I thought I would update a few things and give a cute anecdote.
Twin2 awoke in the middle of the night to pee. Whenever this happens, at least once a night per twin, we go through the same routine. Twin2 asks, while covering his eyes from the blinding light, "Milk Mom? Milk Mom? Milk Mom?" I respond, "No. You will pee your bed." Twin2 continues, "Little milk. Little milk. Little milk." I respond, "No." Twin 2 tries again, "Little tiny milk, Mom. Tiny milk." I respond, "No," and carry him back to bed.
I didn't even know that he new the word 'tiny' and then to remember it in the middle of the night. What a smarty pants.
We are at my parents for family dinner tonight, so I thought I would update a few things and give a cute anecdote.
Twin2 awoke in the middle of the night to pee. Whenever this happens, at least once a night per twin, we go through the same routine. Twin2 asks, while covering his eyes from the blinding light, "Milk Mom? Milk Mom? Milk Mom?" I respond, "No. You will pee your bed." Twin2 continues, "Little milk. Little milk. Little milk." I respond, "No." Twin 2 tries again, "Little tiny milk, Mom. Tiny milk." I respond, "No," and carry him back to bed.
I didn't even know that he new the word 'tiny' and then to remember it in the middle of the night. What a smarty pants.
This afternoon, I was downstairs changing over the laundry when I heard the hall closet open. I ran upstairs to find Twin2 putting on his jacket. I asked him what he was doing and he replied, "Outside, Manny, Tools." (Okay, he was going outside with his tools to pretend fix things like 'Handy Manny'.) I think that this is a great idea and reach into the closet to get his boots. "No, mom," he says, "Orange ones." And he points at his orange jacket. He wanted to wear the orange and blue boots that match his orange and blue jacket, not the green boots that I had gotten for him!
I had no idea that he would be so in to his clothes at this point in his life. I guess we have progressed past wearing favorite shirts day and night, or wearing favorite tool shorts over sweat pants in the middle of winter. We are now on to a new era of clothes wearing....
I had no idea that he would be so in to his clothes at this point in his life. I guess we have progressed past wearing favorite shirts day and night, or wearing favorite tool shorts over sweat pants in the middle of winter. We are now on to a new era of clothes wearing....
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