I once took a seminar from a psychologist who said that we choose our reactions to situations. For example, when we stub a toe and no one is in the room we may curse. However, if a child is in the room, then we may not be so dramatic. You will still feel the pain, but how you react to the pain is your choice.
Today, I choose to be cranky. I have not had enough sleep for several days now. My back is once again very painful - I have a massage scheduled with my mother's miracle worker November 13. Until then, I am relying on stretching, hot baths, and my husband. Along with the bad back, my husband and I had a confrontation last night, mainly to be blamed on a partying baby in the middle of the night, which is still unresolved.
I hate to leave things unresolved with him. For most things, 'out of sight, out of mind' usually applies for me. I don't have time to worry about petty things. Once I turn around, I have forgotten it ever happened. My students used to love this about me. I would tell them to see me after class and I would inevitably forget. This is definitely something I have had to work on as a parent. If I want to teach my kids right from wrong, I can't go along forgetting that they misbehaved. Also, when it comes to my husband, I am not very good at leaving things unresolved.
I believe that the relationship between a husband and wife is very special and delicate. You have to have respect and consideration for each other. As well, there has to be communication. With our busy household, my husband and I often reserve much of our one-on-one conversations for the car. Now that the kids are all heading to bed at a reasonable time, we can now talk in the evenings.
I guess tonight will be one of those evenings, or the bad mood will remain. Perhaps I chose to put myself in a bad mood so that I won't forget to discuss the confrontation with him!!! There is a little psychosis for you. Sorry babe.
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