

Oh my.  It has been way to long.  but, I think we are finally back into a groove and I hope there is space for these posts to continue more regularly.  Actually, I need to make sure that there is because this is such a wonderful record of my life with my kids.  The first 2 years were published in book form.  Looking back at the posts we had forgotten some of the antics the kids had gotten up to.

So what have I been doing.  Really, I have been finding our rhythm once again.  Now that we are registered with a Distributed Learning school, I have to complete weekly reports of our learning for the week.  I am trying to be thorough, positive, and a bit of a relaxed-super-mom in these reports because I still hope to get a job with this school for the coming year.  Also, I enrolled in their parenting course which involves bi-weekly reflections and journaling.  Much of what the course involves I spent the past year thinking about anyway, but it is nice to refresh because some of the inspiration gets lost as time rolls on.

Much of the harvesting and preserving is over so our daily focus has shifted from outside to inside.  Now we are trying to find our rhythm in the house as BW is transitioning away from napping. This rhythm is a mix of exploration experiences, rest times, and outside play.

Of course, there is still all the home maintenance stuff that needs to happen.  I am finding that I really needed to let go of some things in this area.  I have a must daily must haves: dishes, laundry washed and put away, cooking, kitchen floors, main bathroom, and cleaning one extra in the house.  The rest has to wait for our official cleaning day - Tuesday.  The kids all help out on this day, picking one thing to help with.

We have added some scheduled activities: soccer on Saturday mornings, Art class on Thursday, home school co-op on Friday.  Our calendar feels full at the moment.  When soccer is over we will add swimming.  Then in January we have committed to Sunday Nancy Greene Ski League where I will be one of the coaches.  eeek.

The house is starting to wake up.  Time to get moving.

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