I have had a number of posts in my head for some time, but we have been oh so busy enjoying spring. Yesterday we hiked up to a local lookout. It is pretty steep. All three boys made it the entire way and I carried the baby in the Ergo. We enjoyed the view for a while then headed back down. I carried the toddler on my back in the Ergo and carried the baby in my arms. I was sure my legs and arms were going to fall off. The twins had a blast. They ran ahead and back. They noticed birds and moss. They imagined panda bears and a jungle. Just beautiful. I do not, however, think I will do that again for a few days until my muscles heal. We have been getting the garden ready. Manure just needs to be tilled in today. Then we are ready to plant our cold veggies. We have been rock picking a couple times. The river is beautiful. We even spyed a bald eagle. We have to enjoy the river while we can before the spring runoff begins because it will all soon be under water. Then, off to the beach. Speaking of beaches, we visisted the ocean last weekend and played around for a bit. We dug for clams and walked out on the pier. We searched for crabs and shells. It was a beautiful day. So, like I said. We have been busy enjoying life.
Well, enough of life. Here is my thank you to my cousin. Who saved us with our recent journey into strict eating habits. He introduced us to Lentil flour and I am not sure we will ever turn back. It tastes wonderful. Here is a montage of the preparation and consumption of some Banana Pancakes.

If you wait until the banana's are really ripe. No extra sugar is needed.

They no not puddle like real pancakes, so you do have to spread them around with a spoon.

The toddler loves these. He is a pretty picky eater, but has waited in anticipation of these for the last week and a half. Wonderful.

This guy even gave them the wiggle dance approval. Now that is good. We know when he really like something because he wiggle dances while he eats.

This guy gobbled them down so fast, I had to ask him to come back so I could take his picture.
Thanks again.
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