

Llife is chaos around here. As always. But a little more so with the addition of a cranky baby. Why? I don't know. She was up at 4:30am today. I used to complain about her late nights, but I think I prefer late nights to early mornings. She has shortened up her naps, too - about 40 min- 1 hour. Ug. I can barely get a meal served, a shower, or some laundry done in that amount of time. Oh and not to mention some time spent with the kids....


It is now another day. The toddler napped two days in a row and the baby has napped decently today. So, the stress I was feeling above is no longer there. It is amazing how quickly things can change around here.

It probably didn't help that I went off my diet and was eating crap. It is interesting to note how a poor diet can affect a persons attitude. I seemed to be on a crank rampage. Now all is okay. Hmm. Something to think about. Also, I wonder if the time I took for myself caused me to get out of sync as a mom. I don't think it helped that the twins were heading off on adventures, we would just get back to things and then they would be off again. I am glad that we chose to keep them home these last couple weeks.

The baby is loosing all of her hair. I hate to say it, but she looks a bit like a cancer patient. Her hair is gone in patches. The hair growing in underneath looks to be dark. So, I guess we are destined to have one of everything. What a mix. Although, I do not think the toddler will keep his platinum color.

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