
Only Twins

I once read on a Twin Mom's website a post from a lady who believed that by 3 her twins were no different than singleton children and she had no new 'twin' info/advice to provide. Well, that lady must have had the most calm, uneventful, unimaginative set of twins because I beg to differ on her out look. In fact, I still find twins to be considerable different in mindset, cooperation, play, reasoning... than single children.

Now potty training in this house is still 'parent' potty training and is pretty much nonexistent. Yes, they are 4 and, yes, my parents have made a valiant effort these last couple months as they have been watching them often. But the twins are still adamantly against potty training - the two pairs of peed through pants and Pull Ups by twin1 makes this quite evident. Some progress has been made with twin2 - at least he doesn't flail and kick screaming to the bathroom. Twin1 on the other hand will run and hide and has no intentions of ever potty training.

Yesterday, while at my mother's house, the twins were sent to go sit on the potty. There was much discussion going on in the bathroom amongst the twins, so my mother went to check things out. It turns out that twin2 had done his business, but twin1 had once again peed in his Pull Up. So as to not get the 'big boys don't pee in their pants talk' and 'Daddy won't take baby's skating talk' the twins had devised a plan. The would divide the pee. Yes, they figured that if only one could pee then they would split that pee into the empty potty, thereby making it look like both had peed.

When my mother told me this, all I could do was giggle and once again repeat that most parents just don't have these things happen. Only twins. And then I thought - what if they start sharing their poop! Ug.

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