

Wow. We had an absolutely gorgeous summer weekend. The only this is that it isn't summer yet. I actually had to water the garden because plants were wilting.

We are in full yard construction mode around here. My husband built fences, gates, dug holes. I got the big side garden fully ready for my not being able to weed later in the summer. Lots and lots of bark nuggets were distributed. Oh, and the ever smelly manure, too.

We were outside from 8:30am until 7pm each day. Yesterday the temperature even got to 25C. Wow.

On Saturday, my mom showed me and the boys this great spot along the river to get flat rocks. Flat rocks are just what I needed to finish the side garden. My mom and I picked up 2 back packs full of rocks. I took my husband back there on Sunday. Well bye, bye back packs and hello wheel barrow. actually, we combined the two. Back Packs and a wheel barrow were used to get these flat rocks. Still, we didn't quite enough. Ah well. It is a beautiful spot and the river is far enough away that the kids can run around and we don't have to worry. Interestingly, the kids, even the toddler, got right into rock picking. Twin1 even gave me a heart rock. What a sweet heart! The toddler gave me a few rocks which I prominently located in the garden.

All in all, we had a fantastic weekend and completely wore out the kids. I think it will take all week to recover. Wonderful.

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