
I Quit

It has been 5 months of cold turkey potty training and I have finally given up. The twins are back in Pull-ups. They still use the potty, but if there is a pre-dribble it no longer results in an entire wardrobe change. Ya. My frustrations are gone and along with it the immense amount of laundry. We attempted to push it for a long time, but I guess the twins just were not ready. We really will wait for them to train themselves!

We met my sister halfway yesterday and had an awesome lunch, play in the park, and a shopping adventure. Olive Garden for lunch always seems to go over well with kids. I think because the food comes so fast and just keeps on coming: Bread sticks, salad, entree. They even split the meal for the kids in the kitchen. We have never had a bad experience with kids at the Olive Garden.

Then we headed over to this beautiful park. We have found some amazing parks in the US. The playground equipment is new and exciting, there is ample room to run around, little worry about kids running into traffic, and lots of walking on either paved or unpaved track, and lots of clean washrooms. (A must for a pregnant lady!!) Just great parks. My sister has one a few blocks away from her house and it is awesome, too. When a community in the US has money, they seem to really know how to provide a green space.

Next we headed off to find Trader Joes in hopes of finding some cheaper foods that the twins could eat. I left the address at home, but with the help of GPS and a lot of hopeful driving we found it. I had never been to a Trader Joes before, but our Naturopath told us if we were ever in the US that we should go. So, away we went. Two kids were sleeping, so I only had one with me. We found some awesome stuff. Gluten-free, corn-free, dairy-free, soy-free pancake/brownie mix. Ya. Now I don't have to make everything from scratch. And there are even alternate recipes on the package for cookies/cakes. Wahoo. I just hope it tastes good. If it does the trip will be well worth it. We also found some Sweet Potatoe chips the twins can eat and they loved them. When I got back to the car, we immediately opened the bag to try them. My husband ran right back in to get some more. We brought 10 bags home with us!! We will definitely be asking my sister to stalk up on a few things when she comes to visit next time.

By the time we got home, with a brief stop at Costco for Pull-ups, it was after 8pm. A very long, but wonderful, day.

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