Good morning. And I mean MORNING. Yes, wake up was a little early today - 5:30am. I believe today will be the last day of our wonderful ski holiday with my family. We will make the journey home tonight after dinner in hopes that we will have a peaceful drive while the kids sleep soundly in their car seats. Yes, it makes for a late night for us, but the peace is well worth it.
Our stay at the ski hill has been awesome. It was great to have all the family spend so much time with all the kids. My husband and I even skied together and got a dinner out together. I napped one afternoon, my husband slept in most mornings. Besides the PMS days where my cranky B**** side let loose, we had a fabulous time. However, I am most definitely ready to head home. I have now been socializing for 9 days straight. Yup, I am ready to be anti-social. Although, I am not sure that I am ready to start doing all the cooking myself again.
Well, on this New Years Day 2010. I am sure you are all wondering what my New Years Resolution is....... um, I don't have one. I didn't even manage to stay awake past 8:30pm last night. Aren't I sad. But, I wasn't about to miss out on sleep just so I could see 12am. In fact, if I had been wearing my watch, I probably was awake at 12:01am feeding the little man that never sleeps. As it turned out, it was a good thing that I didn't stay up since morning came very early today.
My poor husband, he only has one more question to finish for his Distance Economics course. I woke him up at 6:00am this morning so that he could finish it. He, he. I can be a little mean some times. He thought he was going to sleep in - Again!!
Well, it has been an all out eating, movie watching, game playing, visiting, playing frenzy. We have all had a blast, but home bound we will be. Thanks everyone. We had a great, GREAT time.
Oh, and your squash soup was delish, cuz. Thanks.
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