
Mosquito ready....

we hope!


2 hours of mountain biking with the whole family.  Woohoo.  We ripped it up.


12 years

Time flies.  It is hard to believe we have been married 12 years.  Sometimes it seems like just yesterday.  My Grandparents have their 68th anniversary next month.  Wow


4 children

And she is the one to stuff a rock up her nose.  Yup.  She did.

Uh mom

We were listening to Roald Dahl in the car on our way for a hike.  We are waiting for some friends to be ready.  Animal quietly asks, "Uh mom..... What's a faggot?" Shock.  Then a quick explanation to my friend of what we were just listening to in the car.  My friend, unfazed, says that it means cigarette.  Ah, yes.  It does - in Britain.  Then I have a little chat with animal about slang and appropriate language in our neck of the woods.  :)

A world record

For the largest Garter snake.  LBB spied it on our walk and a fisherman just happened to walk by and offered to catch it.  It was  at least 3 feet long.  Huge!


Camping fun.  May long weekend at a nearby national park.  We got rained out after one night.  The firewood was too wet to light the next morning.  Tea took too long to be made and consumed.  We stayed warm all night in our new sleeping bags.  We have a new tarp system in mind as a new waterproof tent is just not in the budget.  The sun finally broke through. We still had fun.


We are

living the dream.  Drinks on our deck, in the evening sun, gorgeous view and hummingbirds fighting turf wars



Whoever invented the trampoline was a genius.



Just gotta love the peek-a-boo belly.


Some days

they really do climb the walls.  ;D


So much to do

And just so little time.  We have been crazy busy around here.  LBB built an epic train bridge.

We headed to our old home town for a week to visit family and some favorite places.  We enjoyed a yummy family dinner with wonderful cousins, aunt and Uncle.  Ungortunately, my mom was helping my sister with her new babe.  We did get lots of time with my dad, though.  There was the zoo, of course.  Do you see that peacock?  We sure did.

Our visit was cut short by a bit of an accident involving LBB and a climbing apparatus.  We visited the greats on the way home.

We had a delicious family dinner with the in-laws and took in stories from Grandpas recent visit to China.  He brought back some goodies for all.

We visited Science World, too.  We love that place.  They all loved the LEGO exhibit.  They built creations and embellished the using a green screen.

We visited the skate park and discovered the twins bikes needed a tune up.  We hiked the mountain.

We start soccer and BMX racing next week and are just wrapping up Judo.  Also, I have organized a homeschool vo-op and that starts next week.  I am in the midst of report cards for my job.  Oh and beefcake is leaving tomorrow for a week of golf and male boasting.

The weather has improved and my kids head out in the afternoons to play with neighbor kids for hours.  

Life had gotten so very full.