
Snack Time

This girl never stops eating.  She takes it very serious too.



Me.  I tried to get a group photo, but couldn't get kids to stop playing on chain gate.  My mom snapped this one instead.  Another museum followed by the best lake I have ever been to.



A toy that spans the ages.  Gotta love that.

Vermiculture Class

This is the way school should be done.  They older guys spent the whole time telling the instructor everything they new on the topic, which was a lot.


Train Museum

My kids do love Museums.


They are no lakes like this in the North.

Day at the Ocean

We enjoyed a great day at our favorite ocean spot with Aunty and our little cousin K.  Checking out the tidal pools with some interns.

The boys had the intern's attention for almost a half hour on their own.
Aunty braving the barnicles.
My wild man.  We had a great day.  After this we headed for gelato, toys, and hair cuts.

Me and my girl