
The world according to lbb

Conversation in the car with dad.

"Look there (lbb). That is the school your mom and dad went to." lbb responds, "oh, so mommy was your teacher?"

One day while crossing the bridge going home lbb was telling dad about penguins. "There are penguins in this river dad." Dad responds, "I didn't know that." lbb reasons, " you need to be my age."



Whenever I ask her for help, she responds "moray." (Tomorrow)

On the phone, she is sure to ask the person on the other end "coming?" (Are you coming over?)

She makes a great cup of coffee or tea in her kitchen.

She loves to dress up in all things fancy.



A big bowl of quinoa salad anyone?


Hide n seek

She counts 3, 1, 3, 1 over and over. She announces " over here ." Lbb prefers to hide directly behind the seeker. Builder is the quietest. Animal likes to keep score ( give away the hiding places).



2 bowls of fried rice
2 boiled eggs
1 clothes change
A "mooooom, just second. Wait"

All before 7:30am


A beautiful march day

Tree climb anyone?

How to fix a bleeding nose

I'm Back

Thanks to my brother in-law and cousin I can now post via my second hand iPhone.

So, what's new? Well we are moving north. 8 hours away. Bigger city. New job. Acreage. We are very excited. My husband had 2 weeks off between jobs to get the house updated. We did it. Yesterday the final papers were signed. Today the house is listed. Eek now begins the cleaning vigal. Not my strong point. I don't like to pester the kids about how to play, keeping walls in shape now that they have all been filled and painted by my wonderful mom. Art supplies and science experiments have been packed away for ease of cleaning. I had a difficult time with this decision as I believe the kids need freedom to explore their interests when they want and on their own terms. We are now relying more heavily on electronics. I have given up control about this and now let the kids manage their media time. After a bit of a binge I am happy to say they are back to more free-imagination play. Media is now just another thing they done. It feels so good to say YES.

Another new thing, my husband broke his foot. Yup. With one lat room to finish the trim in he broke it playing hockey the night before he was to start his new job. So I learned to run the chop saw and finish the base boards. The kids and I rallied together and drove daddy about. All is better. The foot is on the mend and he drove himself to work today. He loves his job so far. I am giddy with happiness for him.

Ah BW is up. More later