
The Accomplishments of LBB

Yesterday, (hrmm, I mean 2 days ago now) LBB had a big day.  Just one week previously, LBB learned to ride a two wheeler with no training wheels.  Wow.  That same week, LBB decided he was now going to wear big boy underpants.  So, we headed to the store where he could pick out his new unders.  He has had few pee accidents since and no poop accidents. Wow.

So the other day at dinner, the twins were taking turns telling stories.  Usually, LBB just takes it all in and eats quietly supplying a laugh every so often.  That night, though, he told his first story.  Please try to picture this told in almost a whisper by a little boy with big blue eyes, and even bigger facial expressions to accompany his tale in very serious story telling mode.  Here goes.

Once upon a time there was a dragon.
And there was a tree.
The dragon ate the tree.
And he POOPED!

You have to realize that at the moment all his thoughts revolve around pee and poop.  The story was priceless.

Later, after I had cleaned up the kitchen and we were out on our after dinner bike ride.  LBB asked me to watch him ride his bike.  Yup, he had already mastered a trick.  He had barely been riding the bike for a week.  He can now lift his bum up off the seat while he rides.  What a trickster.

Upon arriving home, the boys continued to ride and BW helped me replant the rose bushes that I had removed a couple days before when LBB had a window put into his bedroom.  I. had just finished cleaning up and was about to call in the twins when LBB said he was going to have one more ride.  Well, he decided to ride down our steep drive and over a baseball bat.  SPLAT.  He fell right on his chin.  We rushed to the hospital.  Thankfully, Uncle R came to the rescue and stayed at home with the other 3 kids.  LBB bravely received his first stitch.  I fear, however, this will not be my last trip to the hospital with this little man.

What a big day.  And what an even bigger week.  He is growing up too fast.


The Bond

These two have a bond like no other.  They have shared a bed since LBB was about 15 months old.  LBB often sleeps in his own bed through the night, but he can't resist a close snuggle with daddy at least one night a week.

When you are in this stage of getting little sleep as a parent, thoughts are often consumed by getting your kids to sleep on their own, be independent.... The time flies too fast, though.  Is he still going to come to our door and ask to sleep with us in a few years?  We usually always say yes.  We choose to enjoy the moments now.  Soon they will just be a memory and we will wonder why we were in such a hurry to push them away and have them grow up.


Sports Day

Yup.  Even homeschoolers have a Sports Day.  And because we are all families, there was even a group for LBB's age level.  LBB was a bit skeptical at first, but once Daddy arrived he brightened up.  I don't think I would have pulled this one off by myself.  It was nice to have my husband and Nan there.  The event took place in the town where beefcake works, so with a few adjustments to his day he was able to drop by.
Big Jump by Builder.
Daddy was at the end, so LBB was pretty keen to get down there.  He even false started.  As you can see, BW even got in on this one.  Oh, and Nan.  She can't seem to resist a competition.
He was a bit of a pendulum - swinging about 10 times before he threw.
Another big jump.
This was by far the twins favorite event.  They had huge smiles as you can see.
Here comes Animal.
They even got a certificate.
And we were all together and had an extra person to take the picture, so we took a family photo.  When all was finished, Animal asked if we could do that again.  Yup - next year.


My girl

I just thought this was a great picture of her eyes.  Mind the hole in the wall behind her, please.

Science World

We went to science world a few weeks ago.  The trip was organized by the home school group, so the rate was great.  However, because it was a school outing, I was flying solo with 4 kids in a busy place.  All and all, it went way better than I anticipated.  We had a great time.  The kids wished they could have stayed longer.  We participated in a magnets workshop that the kids found a bit too structured with not enough time for experimentation.  They did return home, though, with a need to show and tell everyone they say about magnets.
 They have spent a fair bit of time at this wind tunnel wall each time we have gone.
 LBB gave the weighted wheel a try.
 BW quite liked that this one was at her level.
 These guys were experimenting with pulleys and their own weight.
 A great shot of just my kids.  This took a bit, but I finally got it.
 They each ran around trying out the different science experiments.  I was constantly counting 1, 2, 3, 4 and swinging my head like a pendulum.
This was by far the favorite this time around - the water area.  BW loved this and would happily have spent all her time here.  Well, here and the dancing room.  The other 3 had a great time shooting the balls, diverting water, making fountains and dams.  Next year we will buy a family pass.

Unfortunately, our adventures are still structured around BW's nap.  So, we had to head out at 1:30.  We had to pick up a buying club order on our way home.  The pick-up took way longer than expected and we ended up in rush hour traffic.  Thankfully, my cousins were home and we dropped by for dinner and a play visit.  Thanks guys.  You saved me.  The kids were very done with being in the car at that point.  We stayed until bedtime and then I finished up the last driving stretch.  I survived.  It was a long day, but well worth it.


A Tale and a Bit of Life

We had home school co-op yesterday.  We were tie-dying.  We were on a farm with animals.  The weather was perfect for it.  The setting was even better.  The younger kids had all had their share of playing in the dye and had headed off to play in the large tree fort.  The moms and older kids continued to tie dye and converse.  BW played in the buckets of rinsing water with delight and an audience.  I look up to check on the kids and groaned, "Oh no."  Of course, this caused all the other moms to look at what I was looking at.  My LBB is standing on the edge of the tree house, pants around his ankles, peeing off the edge into a field below.  A little girl playing bellow stares in fear of the steady stream that narrowly misses her.  All the other moms laugh and tell their boy-pee stories.  I guess I should be glad he didn't pee in his pull-up, or on the little girl!

The boys have been trying their hand at some physics lately.  They found an old bike tire.  Of which, I think they took it from behind the neighbors shed.  When I asked where they got it from they replied, "We found it first."  Hmm.  Alas, they rigged up a pulley/crane with it.  Here you can see them trying to lift a round of wood and LBB with it.  It didn't work.

 They tried, but the log was too heavy.  They did manage to lift a few other things.  And then they tied to to the swing set and used it as a swing.
 I couldn't resist a picture of this cutie.  She is always close to the action, but usually stays a safe distance away.  Yesterday, however, the twins were trying to get her to be lifted in the crane.  She was not impressed.
 They also built their own see saw and then adjusted the lever to get the balance right.

And we also learned a new game.  Mancala - one of the oldest games known to exist.  The twins are great at this and usually out strategize me.  The other night I taught beefcake and his comment was, "And the twins can play this."  Yes, they can and win too.


In the Kitchen

One of the kids snapped this picture during one of their photo sessions.  This is where I can be found most of the time.  I think this is a picture of me making a yummy beet salad (steamed beets and kale, pine nuts, goat cheese, oil, balsamic vinegar, mustard, maple syrup).  mmmm.

I will share a new recipe I created, inspired by a soup I consummed during our Anniversary dinner.  As I am not much for measuring, I will only put the ingredients.  Trial and error seems to work best for me and seldom do I make the same recipe twice.

Here goes.  Chickpea Soup

About 1 1/2 c cooked chick peas (drain if using canned)
2 c chicken stock
3 T lemon juice

Put all ingredients in a soup pot and warm.  Blend.  Add extra lemon juice, salt, pepper to preference.  Add some sour cream on top.  Yummo.  I love the comfort and creaminess of chickpeas.


A few weeks ago we were out foraging with our home school co-op.  We picked and ate, strawberry leaves, dandelion leaves, wood violets, nettle, salmon berry shoots, fireweed, miners lettuce, fiddle heads.  We had a guide to show us the ins and outs.  And of course to remind us that 'red means dead.'  My kids had a blast.  And they tried out the packs we picked up for them.  We rounded things off with a fire, but unfortunately got rained out and headed for home.

 My red heads wearing their packs and taking in all the fire knowledge they could.

 I mean really, don't we live in the most beautiful place.  What a great way to raise a family.
Here is Book Worm making her way through some fireweed.  It was cooked and we added some vinegar.  I found the fireweed to be a bit bitter.  The salmon berry shoots, nettle, and fiddle heads were delicious.

The posts have been a bit scarce lately, but as you can see we are living life and enjoying all that spring brings with it.  We are outside often.