My beautiful family has been split in two. The twins are on their way back up to the ski hill without me this time. My husband and I decided to stay home this time because the travel is so stressful with the baby. Also, I wanted the twins to spend some time with their Uncle and Aunt. They don't get to see my sisters husband enough. However, I have reserved the right to send my husband to pick up the twins if I just can bare it. I truly hate to miss out on any part of their lives. I gave them strict instructions not to doing any growing up while away. I hope they listen!
On a positive note, the toddler and I will get to spend some great time together. I can't wait to get on the floor and push around the cars and build trains. And of course, the baby will be happy and sleep contentedly.
I miss my boys dreadfully already.
We are back from our trip to the ski hill. The car is unpacked and the wash machine is on over load. We came back earlier Monday to prepare a welcome home dinner for my husband's brother. He decided to surprise Grandma and Grandpa with a spontaneous visit. It is nice to see them. They have a son the same age as the twins, so they are busy rekindling their friendship.
There is something wonderful about the day back from a busy trip. The kids seem to be over stimulated from the outings and whole up in their room with loved toys and make believe worlds. This, of course, gives me an opportunity to fill the fridge with food and unpack and wash clothes. Everyone catches up on much needed sleep. And all becomes right with the world once again. It is nice to be home.
There is something wonderful about the day back from a busy trip. The kids seem to be over stimulated from the outings and whole up in their room with loved toys and make believe worlds. This, of course, gives me an opportunity to fill the fridge with food and unpack and wash clothes. Everyone catches up on much needed sleep. And all becomes right with the world once again. It is nice to be home.
We are up at the ski hill for a couple of days and things seem to be fairing much better than the last trip. The baby has decided to sleep a lot more this time, which makes everything run much smoother.
The twins headed up with Nan and Papa a day before my husband, I, and the littles. They say there trip went smoothly and the twins were great. I missed he twins terribly through the night, though. 4 hours just seems so far away. However, the trip up the next morning with just the littles went really well. We noticed a much calmer air about the house in the morning and in the car during the drive, especially when both littles decided to sleep at the same time.
The twins have had 2 ski lessons this trip. The first went very well, but the second had another child in attendance who screamed and cried for his daddy for 1/2 an hour. Poor thing. I wanted to go over and console him. He delayed the instructor, though, and the twins sat around getting cold for that half hour. Ick. The twins didn't seem to get much out of having lessons 2 days in a row, so I think once a week is best.
The toddler has been thoroughly enjoying the snow; however, he turns into a limp noodle as soon as he steps in to soft snow, falls down, and screams, "eeh, eeh."
The boys, my husband, and my brother went tubing before dinner last night. We thought the toddler would be able to ride on my husband's lap, but wasn't allowed. So, he had to ride in his own tube. He was a bit hesitant the first time. By the time he reached the bottom he was yelling again, again, and squeeling the entire way down. Very cute.
I walked with the baby to check out the tubing. She hates it. She squwacks spit out the cold air and attempts to the whole time. She is not a cold whether baby at the moment.
Today we have plans to take the boys skating and to build a snow cave. Fun. Oh, and my husband and I are going to head in to town and take advantage of the sales. This will be my first shoping spree in over 5 years. I am down to 3 shirts and am in great need of some up to date clothes. The boys will stay behind with Nan and Paps while we are out. Lets hope we find some good stuff.
The twins headed up with Nan and Papa a day before my husband, I, and the littles. They say there trip went smoothly and the twins were great. I missed he twins terribly through the night, though. 4 hours just seems so far away. However, the trip up the next morning with just the littles went really well. We noticed a much calmer air about the house in the morning and in the car during the drive, especially when both littles decided to sleep at the same time.
The twins have had 2 ski lessons this trip. The first went very well, but the second had another child in attendance who screamed and cried for his daddy for 1/2 an hour. Poor thing. I wanted to go over and console him. He delayed the instructor, though, and the twins sat around getting cold for that half hour. Ick. The twins didn't seem to get much out of having lessons 2 days in a row, so I think once a week is best.
The toddler has been thoroughly enjoying the snow; however, he turns into a limp noodle as soon as he steps in to soft snow, falls down, and screams, "eeh, eeh."
The boys, my husband, and my brother went tubing before dinner last night. We thought the toddler would be able to ride on my husband's lap, but wasn't allowed. So, he had to ride in his own tube. He was a bit hesitant the first time. By the time he reached the bottom he was yelling again, again, and squeeling the entire way down. Very cute.
I walked with the baby to check out the tubing. She hates it. She squwacks spit out the cold air and attempts to the whole time. She is not a cold whether baby at the moment.
Today we have plans to take the boys skating and to build a snow cave. Fun. Oh, and my husband and I are going to head in to town and take advantage of the sales. This will be my first shoping spree in over 5 years. I am down to 3 shirts and am in great need of some up to date clothes. The boys will stay behind with Nan and Paps while we are out. Lets hope we find some good stuff.
I have tried playing board games with the twins for some time now - about a year and a half. Up until lately, we have had little success. We tried snakes and ladders, which is okay except that our version is a roll up mat and the pieces don't stay in place. We tried connect 4, but the concept is a little to hard. Instead we just try to see who can put their pieces in the fastest. Chinese checkers was an absolute no go - the marbles ended up all over the house. Go fish is a played open faced with 2 cards and until 5 matches are made - twin1 hates giving away one of his cards and an argument usually ensues. They just about have the knack of tic-tac-toe. A winner, though, is the Cars version of Candy Land (I am guessing Candy Land because I am not sure I have ever played it). Ya. We have been having a blast playing this game. It's about time. It just feels very family like to successfully play a board game as a family. Thanks for the game Grandma and Grandpa.
I woke up short this morning. No - not short in height, but short in patience. I am a wee bit tired. Still not fully recovered from the whirl wind trip to the ski hill. My wonderful husband did take over the house this morning at 6:30 when I woke him and promptly crawled in to his nice warm spot behind him, this extra hour of restless sleep somehow did not make up for 51/2 years of missed sleep. Nonetheless, extra sleep it was - although short.
After my husband left for work around 11am, I was left alone with my wonderful children and short amount of patience. I just wasn't in the mood to carry around the baby all morning, facing out so she can absorb the world until my arm is about to fall off. I just wasn't in the mood for the ear piercing 'NO' from the toddler whenever he opens his mouth. I just was not in the mood for the constant bickering over who touched who first and who had the toy first from the twins. I was about to re-enact a scene from Annie yelling, "Kill, Kill, Kill." Just like Ms. Hannigan.
So, I did what any normal mother on the short side of patience does. I packed up the kids and headed to the library - CRAZY. Yes, I know. But I needed some fresh air and sometimes the only way to get it is from the front door to the car.
Off to the library we go. Why, oh why? To foster a love of books. For the sake of literacy..... And what an adventure the library always seems to be. The baby always fusses and cries the entire time. The toddler takes every book I give him and heads to the return slot and drops them in. The return slot, of course, is located beside the door, so I have to leave the twins, who are removing books from the shelves and dumping them on the floor as fast as their arms can move, and make sure the toddler doesn't escape out the door. Meanwhile, the twins are exclaiming, "Wow. Look at that one." to every book removed at the top of their lungs. Quiet is not an option. Then when we have our pile of books gathered off the floor, which of course is too large for the twins to carry, and balanced one armed to the counter, the toddler decides to start screaming, "NO, NO, NO." and drops like a limp noodle. I quickly run the books over to the counter and then chase the toddler in to a corner and scoop up the limp noodle, who suddenly begins thrashing. Pick up the bag of books that the bug eyed librarian has wonderfully put into the bag for us and stampede out the door. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. (I have tried carrying the toddler in the back pack and the baby in the swing, but upon entering the library the toddler started arching his back and yelling, "OUT.")
I bit of respite, though. The baby promptly fell asleep in the car, which never happens. And the toddler started to yawn on the way home and is now napping. The twins are building trains in their bedroom. I get a little R & R. Oh and school has been put on hold for the day. The advantages of home school. Now for a cup of tea and a snuggle on the couch reading books with the twins. A cuddle is just what the doctor ordered when short on patience...
After my husband left for work around 11am, I was left alone with my wonderful children and short amount of patience. I just wasn't in the mood to carry around the baby all morning, facing out so she can absorb the world until my arm is about to fall off. I just wasn't in the mood for the ear piercing 'NO' from the toddler whenever he opens his mouth. I just was not in the mood for the constant bickering over who touched who first and who had the toy first from the twins. I was about to re-enact a scene from Annie yelling, "Kill, Kill, Kill." Just like Ms. Hannigan.
So, I did what any normal mother on the short side of patience does. I packed up the kids and headed to the library - CRAZY. Yes, I know. But I needed some fresh air and sometimes the only way to get it is from the front door to the car.
Off to the library we go. Why, oh why? To foster a love of books. For the sake of literacy..... And what an adventure the library always seems to be. The baby always fusses and cries the entire time. The toddler takes every book I give him and heads to the return slot and drops them in. The return slot, of course, is located beside the door, so I have to leave the twins, who are removing books from the shelves and dumping them on the floor as fast as their arms can move, and make sure the toddler doesn't escape out the door. Meanwhile, the twins are exclaiming, "Wow. Look at that one." to every book removed at the top of their lungs. Quiet is not an option. Then when we have our pile of books gathered off the floor, which of course is too large for the twins to carry, and balanced one armed to the counter, the toddler decides to start screaming, "NO, NO, NO." and drops like a limp noodle. I quickly run the books over to the counter and then chase the toddler in to a corner and scoop up the limp noodle, who suddenly begins thrashing. Pick up the bag of books that the bug eyed librarian has wonderfully put into the bag for us and stampede out the door. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. (I have tried carrying the toddler in the back pack and the baby in the swing, but upon entering the library the toddler started arching his back and yelling, "OUT.")
I bit of respite, though. The baby promptly fell asleep in the car, which never happens. And the toddler started to yawn on the way home and is now napping. The twins are building trains in their bedroom. I get a little R & R. Oh and school has been put on hold for the day. The advantages of home school. Now for a cup of tea and a snuggle on the couch reading books with the twins. A cuddle is just what the doctor ordered when short on patience...
The twins have begun to use this word in reference to just about anything that they 'think' they like. In particular, they have decided upon favorite clothes. This includes pretty much anything with machines, cars, transformers, and tools on it. The favorites include socks, we have exactly 5 machine socks left that are demanded everyday, pajamas (bob the builder), underpants (spiderman, tansformers, Toy Story, Cars) and shirts (3-4 each). Initially, the twins would just request a particular item. Then, they started taking the required favorite out of the dirty laundry. I didn't like this because we only have one hamper for the house, so all sorts of things end up in there. They got around this problem by stashing their clothes. Yes, I open cupboards and out falls the 'favorite socks and shirt'. I pull out the couch to vaccum under it and there is a 'favorite'. There are now 'favorites' stashed all over the house. I found some under the bathroom sink the other day. There is only one problem. They forget where the 'favorite' has been stashed. Hmm. I wonder what is next - refusing to remove the 'favorite' all together and remain in it for days on end.... That's what I would have done!
Home Sweet Home
I have to say that I love my home. It took quite a while to really call it home, though. We moved into this house 4 years ago when the twins were just 6 months old. At that time, we thought of the house as an investment, made some improvements, and re-listed. The market dropped and we were left with the house. We thought we would just make a few mare changes and then re-list when the market got better. Wrong. We made those few changes, and a few more, moved bedrooms around, had another child, made memories, made some more changes, had another baby, and have plans for more changes. Now I couldn't imagine moving. We have a beautiful view, that we will one day fully utilize - hmm, more changes. We have great neighbors who treat our kids like their own grandchildren. We have a quiet street. We have a set of grandparents, uncle and nephew around the corner. Everyone in the neighborhood knows the red-headed twins and watches out for them. Our backyard is private. Our house is warm and comfortable. My house is now my oasis.
This became ever so much more evident with our recent trip to the ski hill. We only went for two days to see if the twins would take to ski lessons this year, which they did. There is no turning back for them now. However, while up there, I spent much of the time toting around an over tired baby. My mom ended up getting sick because she was taking care of the other 3 kids at night and got little sleep. The arrangement up there just isn't quite worked out yet. The kids always seem to be under foot and have nowhere they can hide away to and imagination play till their hearts content.
Upon arriving home, the twins escaped to their bedroom, the toddler found his cars and garage, the baby calmed down and slept for 3 hours. By the last half hour of the drive home, I was anticipating my oasis. Home, sweet home.
We are set for another ski trip next week for a few more days. Hopefully a longer trip will work out some of the kinks. Playroom, sleeping arrangements... oh and of course, daddy is coming this time. We missed daddy a lot. And when it is over, I have my oasis come home to.
This became ever so much more evident with our recent trip to the ski hill. We only went for two days to see if the twins would take to ski lessons this year, which they did. There is no turning back for them now. However, while up there, I spent much of the time toting around an over tired baby. My mom ended up getting sick because she was taking care of the other 3 kids at night and got little sleep. The arrangement up there just isn't quite worked out yet. The kids always seem to be under foot and have nowhere they can hide away to and imagination play till their hearts content.
Upon arriving home, the twins escaped to their bedroom, the toddler found his cars and garage, the baby calmed down and slept for 3 hours. By the last half hour of the drive home, I was anticipating my oasis. Home, sweet home.
We are set for another ski trip next week for a few more days. Hopefully a longer trip will work out some of the kinks. Playroom, sleeping arrangements... oh and of course, daddy is coming this time. We missed daddy a lot. And when it is over, I have my oasis come home to.
A day in the life
Woke up and thought about jumping in to the shower before the baby awoke. I should have. I still haven't had my shower yet. It's starting to look like I will get one when my husband gets home this evening.
The baby is feeling a lot better today. Although when we got back from Strong Start she cried for no apparent reason. I could tell that she was in pain somewhere though. Still some lingering diarrhea, but she is back to her smiling self. She stayed up until 11:30 last night. Ug. My husband and I were exhausted. Hopefully she will resume her 7:30 bed time tonight. I was just starting to feel like my self again.
I turned another year older yesterday. My Grandma phoned to remind me....She is good about that. I am not. She asked how it felt. I said that it feels better than the previous year - pregnant and new born and lots of extra pounds = yick. I am looking forward to the next stage in our lives now that pregnancy is over.
We went to school this morning. I don't know what it is, but on the days I suggest we go to school the twins seem to shuffle their feet. I end up yelling. I know they love it, so why can't they hurry up. We ended up leaving the house with uneaten breakfast sitting on the table. We had a great time once we got there. There was one girl who was a bit of a bully and a toy hog and her mom paid no attention. Hmmm. Should something have been said? We had no pee accidents at school. Ya. Twin1 is now on day 4 of no accidents. I couldn't tell you the last time twin2 had an accident. Awesome little men.
We arrived home for a quick lunch and the toddler went off for his nap. Then home school begins. Today we did some patterns, number matches, letter poking, paint by numbers and made banana bread. The baby was awake for half of the stuff and then nursed to sleep just in time for the dirty stuff. The toddler awoke from his nap just as we put the bread in the oven.
Now, the toddler is lounging, the twins are playing in their room, and the baby is still sleeping. The banana bread smells like it is almost done. Yum. It is a good thing I don't like banana bread, but the kids love it. A quick clean up of all the toys, vacuum, and get dinner started. Where, oh where does the day go. I just hope I get that shower in somehow.
The baby is feeling a lot better today. Although when we got back from Strong Start she cried for no apparent reason. I could tell that she was in pain somewhere though. Still some lingering diarrhea, but she is back to her smiling self. She stayed up until 11:30 last night. Ug. My husband and I were exhausted. Hopefully she will resume her 7:30 bed time tonight. I was just starting to feel like my self again.
I turned another year older yesterday. My Grandma phoned to remind me....She is good about that. I am not. She asked how it felt. I said that it feels better than the previous year - pregnant and new born and lots of extra pounds = yick. I am looking forward to the next stage in our lives now that pregnancy is over.
We went to school this morning. I don't know what it is, but on the days I suggest we go to school the twins seem to shuffle their feet. I end up yelling. I know they love it, so why can't they hurry up. We ended up leaving the house with uneaten breakfast sitting on the table. We had a great time once we got there. There was one girl who was a bit of a bully and a toy hog and her mom paid no attention. Hmmm. Should something have been said? We had no pee accidents at school. Ya. Twin1 is now on day 4 of no accidents. I couldn't tell you the last time twin2 had an accident. Awesome little men.
We arrived home for a quick lunch and the toddler went off for his nap. Then home school begins. Today we did some patterns, number matches, letter poking, paint by numbers and made banana bread. The baby was awake for half of the stuff and then nursed to sleep just in time for the dirty stuff. The toddler awoke from his nap just as we put the bread in the oven.
Now, the toddler is lounging, the twins are playing in their room, and the baby is still sleeping. The banana bread smells like it is almost done. Yum. It is a good thing I don't like banana bread, but the kids love it. A quick clean up of all the toys, vacuum, and get dinner started. Where, oh where does the day go. I just hope I get that shower in somehow.
Poor Baby
My little girl had her first shots yesterday. I went in there very confident that all would be okay. The boys never had an issue. Sure, their legs were tender and they all got diaper rash. But a few hours later you would never know they had shots. My poor baby did not fair so well. Her legs were extremely tender. She developed a fever that lasted a day. She still has diarhea. She has finally started to smile again and has ceased to cry non-stop. My poor little girl. I feel for her and fear the next round.
School Today
This week we are checking out the letter G - Gumball theme. Each day we review the letters we have learned and say words that start with the letter. The first day we trace laminated large letters - capital and small. They match the theme word using alphabet letter discs - in capital and small letters. They complete some patterns in the theme. They sort sizes of the theme - big to small. They complete a color match puzzle in the theme and then practice the colors. They play number hopscotch. We count the theme and match numbers. We play with pattern blocks and make pictures. We cut out shapes and lines. We paint by number. We poke out letters from paper. We create the letter using stickers, balls, bingo dobbers. We are very busy. Today we made bread and made letters, tools, airplanes. Fun. Fun. Oh and we read books. Lots of books.

Can you spot the big G, little g (backwards - we are still learning), and big A (the toddler did that one.)
Can you spot the big G, little g (backwards - we are still learning), and big A (the toddler did that one.)
We headed out for the day yesterday. Hair cuts were on the list. AHH. The poor lady cuting the toddlers hair had such a hard time. He was everywhere. My husband has to clamp the toddler down on his lap or squeeze him in a hug. Then to get the last few stray pieces, she chased him around. She even had him on the floor. Uh. We left totally drained from embarrassment and exhaustion. The twins were great though.
We have given the hair dresser a lot of firsts. She has cut hair in the car - the toddlers bangs while he was asleep. Then chasing the little man around. Finally, she cut my hair with the baby sleeping in the sling and then playing on my lap. She is a wonderful lady for putting up with our shmahze hair event. My poor husband walks out of her place completely frazzled. I don't blame him a bit.
I hear blood curdling screams coming from the toddler. Gotta go.
We have given the hair dresser a lot of firsts. She has cut hair in the car - the toddlers bangs while he was asleep. Then chasing the little man around. Finally, she cut my hair with the baby sleeping in the sling and then playing on my lap. She is a wonderful lady for putting up with our shmahze hair event. My poor husband walks out of her place completely frazzled. I don't blame him a bit.
I hear blood curdling screams coming from the toddler. Gotta go.
Twins went to Grandma and Grandpa's this afternoon. There are definitely some benefits from living a block away from your in-laws!! This was a wonderful respite from the day. My mother has now come down with the cold and ski season has begun, so we will be seeing less of her. (However, my parents have voiced that they would like to take the twins skiing - WHAT - 4 hours away from their mommy. I am not in favour of this, but am willing to give it a try once.) On the walk over to deliver the twins, the baby fell asleep. Upon return, the once again sick toddler and I get to spend some quality time together playing trains, cars, making cookies, and coloring. This was a great break from the demands of all 4 children at one time and some wonderful one on one time. Which is quickly coming to an end as I hear the baby start to stir. Toddles. Now what to make for dinner. I am quite uninspired and may resort to frozen pizza. Yick.
Shrinky Dinks
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