Ah! Fall
Fall and Spring are my favorite times of the year, especially when it is cool and sunny. Beautiful. We are having a family party today. The cuz is out from Australia to visit the new arrivals. It's always nice to be able to get together - it's like nothing has changed. We all still fight(well, my brother and I do), reminisce over the past, and catch up on the present. It really is nice. Ah! Family.
Things are starting to get back to normal around here - normal being chaos, of course. The baby sleeps a lot, so I have found plenty of time to be with the other three kids. I am quite enjoying my time with them. At the moment, they are throwing rocks over the fence into the neighbors cedar trees - He, he. Naughty, naughty.
We attempted a walk around the neighborhood today - not so successful. At our furthest point, twin2 got a bee sting, so we had to race home with twin2 crying, the baby sleeping in the sling, and the toddler being carried on my hip. Needless to say, I worked up a sweat!
Last night, my husband and I headed out with the baby. My husband received his 5 year on the job recognition. It was a nice event, great food. The baby did remarkably well, aside from screaming all the way to the event and home again. She slept most of the way through dinner and the awards. She did however entertain everyone at our table with about 5 minutes of continual pooping. The girl can poop, projectile poop.
My husband is back to work - day 2. We miss him around here, but it is nice to get back into a routine. Routines tend to melt away when daddy is home. We do miss him, though.
My wonderful mother is still watching the kids a lot. She had them overnight last night and dropped them off at 11:00am today. Her help is very much appreciated. I don't know what I would do with out her.
We attempted a walk around the neighborhood today - not so successful. At our furthest point, twin2 got a bee sting, so we had to race home with twin2 crying, the baby sleeping in the sling, and the toddler being carried on my hip. Needless to say, I worked up a sweat!
Last night, my husband and I headed out with the baby. My husband received his 5 year on the job recognition. It was a nice event, great food. The baby did remarkably well, aside from screaming all the way to the event and home again. She slept most of the way through dinner and the awards. She did however entertain everyone at our table with about 5 minutes of continual pooping. The girl can poop, projectile poop.
My husband is back to work - day 2. We miss him around here, but it is nice to get back into a routine. Routines tend to melt away when daddy is home. We do miss him, though.
My wonderful mother is still watching the kids a lot. She had them overnight last night and dropped them off at 11:00am today. Her help is very much appreciated. I don't know what I would do with out her.
A Hospital We Will Go
I am starting to think that the E******n's should take out shares in one of the beds in the emergency room. My husband took twin1 to the hospital last night. He had an asthma attack that I thought we were managing.... well, he didn't seem to be getting any worse. However, he did start complaining that his back was sore and was crying about it, so to be on the safe side - off my husband went. Poor guy. And on the last day of his holiday. I guess going back to work rested was not to happen. Sleep. When or when will you visit our home? Perhaps 10 years?
A Picture for Daddy's Office
Oh No, Mess!
Well, I guess I have instilled mess vigilance into yet another of my children. A few weeks ago, the toddler had the flu. I was sure that he was going to vomit and was awaiting its arrival. After several hours of gulping, the vomit finally emerged - on Daddy!! He, he. The poor little guy was not upset about being sick, but instead was beside himself over the mess. Between vomits, he would point at the mess and say, "Oh no. Oh no, Mess." Poor little man. As a side note, this was the first vomiting incident where my husband did not start gagging himself.
It's a Girl
Truly. We had a little girl on September 17, 2010 at 4:27am. Once labour started, it went really fast - 2 hours. There were no complications. Ya. Finally. We were out of the hospital on the 18th. She sleeps a lot, but most babies do at this point - except at night! The twins are excited about her. The toddler thinks he just got a pet puppy. My husband has almost fully recovered from lack of sleep and, today, I am feeling pretty good. My parents, of course, are a huge help. Tonight will be the first night we have all 6 of us sleeping under the same roof. Wow. 6. That's big. Yesterday, my husband made the comment, "Our house seems really full now." Yes, it is. It's perfect.
This Is It
Nervous. Anxious. Excited. Ug. I cannot sleep. Tomorrow we will officially be a family of 6. One pain will be over and another begins. What sleep I have been getting is officially over - however, I do get to sleep on my back and stomach again. Yaaaa. My husband finally filled out the paper work to be snipped. Yaaaa. Please never let me do this again. Pregnancy sucks. The reward is magnificent, but couldn't their be an easier, shorter way?
Tomorrow life changes, again. Eeek. Oh, wait. I guess since it is 1:30am, tomorrow is today. So, today life changes, again. Eeek.
Tomorrow life changes, again. Eeek. Oh, wait. I guess since it is 1:30am, tomorrow is today. So, today life changes, again. Eeek.
New Love
Homemade Granola. I had no idea how delish this stuff was. I cannot get enough. I ran out two days ago and have been craving it ever since. I am off to the grocery store for more ingredients. Yummo. Mhm mmm.
Oh ya. The new baby is late. I am always on time, what is with this one? Will be induced Thursday if nothing happens by then. So, I guess we will have a baby by Sept 16 or 17. Eeek.
Oh ya. The new baby is late. I am always on time, what is with this one? Will be induced Thursday if nothing happens by then. So, I guess we will have a baby by Sept 16 or 17. Eeek.
My husband bought footed pajamas. I had tears streaming down my face I was laughing so hard. Unfortunately they are too small and need some alteration - a la Fat Stripe style!!! Way, way too funny.
Life has been a little boring of late. I have no life, no knew news, all my thoughts are concentrated on my stomach. Ug. I have hit a low. I have no energy, don't sleep, don't do anything. The twins spend 3-6 hours a day with Nan and she is starting to wear down. The doctors are starting to talk induction - NOOOOOO. This little girl does not want to come out. All I want to do is drown myself in chocolate and cookies and then I feel guilty. I despise this waiting. Oh and this is officially my longest pregnancy to date. Aren't they supposed to get shorter!!!? Perhaps tonight - HAAA.
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