Twin1: What's this?
Mommy: Nipples.
Twin1: No. Andre Lunch.
Mommy: No. Only mommy feeds the baby.
Twin1: No. My baby lunch.
Mommy: Um. Go Talk to Daddy.
I had no idea that I would be discussing the 'birds and the bees' with the twins when they were 31/2.
Twin1: (Pointing at his Nipples) Baby Lunch.
Daddy: Only mommy feeds the baby lunch.
Twin1: No. My baby lunch.
Daddy: No. Only mommy's feed babies. Daddy's feed the baby with a bottle.
Twin1: Ooooh, bottle. Go get it.
Really? 31/2 is too young for this conversation. Daddy was certainly taken aback.
Them Apples
So I guess my kids (Twins) really like apples. We were getting dinner ready the other night - Turkey Dinner, I believe. The twins seemed to have disappeared on us. We looked upstairs and none were to be found. My cuz offered to go check downstairs, where their bedroom is, to see if they were down there. The cuz's bought the twins a tent and tube which we set up downstairs for them to play with. So, I just assumed they were playing. I guess they decided they were hungry. They opened the fridge downstairs, pillaged a large bag of apples and a box of cream cheese, and headed to their room. When my cuz discovered their whereabouts, they were under one of their beds eating the apples - I do mean appleSSSS. They had taken a bite out of every apple in the bag. I guess they were marking their territory? Fortunately, they had not yet moved on to the cream cheese. That could have been a mess. My cuz proceeded to fish the twins out from under the bed, while they grabbed on to every post and slat to be found, hoisted up them and the bag of apples, and shooed them upstairs to dinner. Needless to say, they didn't eat much dinner!! Ah well. At least I know that they can fend for themselves when left alone and that they will make healthy decision.
Live from the Ski Hill
Wahoo. I've still got it. I have skied the last two days and I am awesome. I have energy, strength, and endurance. Wahoo. I had no idea that all I had to do was lose weight. Wahoo. I even did three runs today top to bottom. Okay, I had a few rolling stops, but not official stops. Fun, Fun. And, I have gotten to ski with my mother again. Wonderful. It is a very special thing to be able to still ski 'Blacks' and 'Double Blacks' with my mother. She is truly amazing.
The kids have been awesome. They are getting better and better on the skis. They have not yet ventured onto the ski hill. We are still on the cat track behind the house, but they are going faster and faster, and further and further. Nan and Papa got them skis and boots, so now they can head out anytime and for as long as they would like. Ya, Nan and Papa. Thank you.
Everyone up here has been having a blast with all the kids. It is so wonderful that we get this opportunity to all be together for a week. And we all get along so well. We just mesh. What great family I have. Oh, and my husband has finally arrived. He was very muchly missed for the few days we were with out him. We just aren't complete until he is here. Speaking of complete, my sister still isn't here. We are all a bit erked with her. She arrived home from Africa last Sunday and just had to spend some time readjusting at her house!!! Doesn't she know that she could have done that here..... (kidding, we understand fully, I just need to do a little rubbing).
We are all eating extremely well, as families tend to do when together. We all pitch in and make a dinner each night. We have had ribs, turkey, and stuffed chicken. Yum. Oh, and don't forget the multitudes of treats - chocolates, chips, candies. I am making sure that I keep active with the kids/skiing throughout the day, so that I can indulge a little.
I have been having a blast playing in the snow with the twins. They love throwing snow, sledding, and making snow angels. I having been waiting for this for so long, it is finally here, and it is better than I could have imagined. I love playing with the hooligans in the snow. The only problem is that they have so much fun during the day that come dinner they are too tired and, thus, CRANKY. Ug. But, I thing all the fun is well worth a little crank.
More later, when I get a change to steal my brother's computer. Thanks bro.
The kids have been awesome. They are getting better and better on the skis. They have not yet ventured onto the ski hill. We are still on the cat track behind the house, but they are going faster and faster, and further and further. Nan and Papa got them skis and boots, so now they can head out anytime and for as long as they would like. Ya, Nan and Papa. Thank you.
Everyone up here has been having a blast with all the kids. It is so wonderful that we get this opportunity to all be together for a week. And we all get along so well. We just mesh. What great family I have. Oh, and my husband has finally arrived. He was very muchly missed for the few days we were with out him. We just aren't complete until he is here. Speaking of complete, my sister still isn't here. We are all a bit erked with her. She arrived home from Africa last Sunday and just had to spend some time readjusting at her house!!! Doesn't she know that she could have done that here..... (kidding, we understand fully, I just need to do a little rubbing).
We are all eating extremely well, as families tend to do when together. We all pitch in and make a dinner each night. We have had ribs, turkey, and stuffed chicken. Yum. Oh, and don't forget the multitudes of treats - chocolates, chips, candies. I am making sure that I keep active with the kids/skiing throughout the day, so that I can indulge a little.
I have been having a blast playing in the snow with the twins. They love throwing snow, sledding, and making snow angels. I having been waiting for this for so long, it is finally here, and it is better than I could have imagined. I love playing with the hooligans in the snow. The only problem is that they have so much fun during the day that come dinner they are too tired and, thus, CRANKY. Ug. But, I thing all the fun is well worth a little crank.
More later, when I get a change to steal my brother's computer. Thanks bro.
Packing, Packing, Packing
I am packing for our ski trip today. My mother and I are heading up tonight with the kids and my husband is driving my mother's car up on Friday afternoon. It should be a very busy day today.
I can't wait to be back in the snow, though. Fun. The kids are really into the snow this year. Hopefully the kids don't wear me down through the night. Who knows, perhaps the baby will pick this trip to finally sleep through the night. HA! Who am I kidding. It took the twins 3 years before they consistently slept. Then, we introduced potty training and it was all over.
Wahoo. Should be fun. I guess I will be a week+ without Internet access, but I am sure that I will have some fun and interesting stories when I get back.
Here is a picture of the baby. He is getting very inquisitive. Oh, and he now points where he wants to go when he is being carried. Mainly he points to go up stairs when we pick him up out of his crib. He also claps and waves. What a smarty.
All Mine
Shopping pour Moi
Long, long night last night. None of the kids wanted to sleep all that well. Perhaps that was because we were out and about yesterday and didn't stick to a schedule?
We headed out of the house early yesterday to drop my husband's brother at the airport. The kids had a blast running around in all that space. The baby squealed with glee continuously as he walked around freely with no toys to trip over.
Today, I had a sewing lesson in the morning. I learned a bunch of great tips about the machine. I really enjoyed myself. I was a little skeptical at first, but I definitely walked away with some useful info.
After the lesson, I headed over to the mall to buy a couple shirts for myself. You know, ones that aren't covered in food stains or tears. I went to the Gap because I had a gift card. I haven't been in that store since the twins were first born - 3 years ago. I felt weird. And oddly enough, I had a hard time remaining in the ladies section. I kept drifting into the kids section, thinking that the twins would look great in those jeans, or wouldn't the baby look adorable in that hat. I even found myself standing in front of the men's dress shirts thinking my husband would look great in that shirt. I ended up walking away with 2 shirts for myself and oodles of money left on the gift card. I couldn't imagine spending more on myself. Oh how things have changed. In the past, I wouldn't have thought twice about dropping cash on clothes. Now, there are so many other things, and if it isn't on sale, I won't even look at it!!. Wow. I didn't predict this change. I guess I will have to go back again and see what else I can find. I do need a belt! Thanks for the gift card Uncle C.
I quickly sped home after the shopping feeling guilty about all this time I had to myself. It is kind of nice to leave every once in awhile, though. When I walked in the house I got the running hugs and big hello. It was nice to know I was missed.
We headed out of the house early yesterday to drop my husband's brother at the airport. The kids had a blast running around in all that space. The baby squealed with glee continuously as he walked around freely with no toys to trip over.
Today, I had a sewing lesson in the morning. I learned a bunch of great tips about the machine. I really enjoyed myself. I was a little skeptical at first, but I definitely walked away with some useful info.
After the lesson, I headed over to the mall to buy a couple shirts for myself. You know, ones that aren't covered in food stains or tears. I went to the Gap because I had a gift card. I haven't been in that store since the twins were first born - 3 years ago. I felt weird. And oddly enough, I had a hard time remaining in the ladies section. I kept drifting into the kids section, thinking that the twins would look great in those jeans, or wouldn't the baby look adorable in that hat. I even found myself standing in front of the men's dress shirts thinking my husband would look great in that shirt. I ended up walking away with 2 shirts for myself and oodles of money left on the gift card. I couldn't imagine spending more on myself. Oh how things have changed. In the past, I wouldn't have thought twice about dropping cash on clothes. Now, there are so many other things, and if it isn't on sale, I won't even look at it!!. Wow. I didn't predict this change. I guess I will have to go back again and see what else I can find. I do need a belt! Thanks for the gift card Uncle C.
I quickly sped home after the shopping feeling guilty about all this time I had to myself. It is kind of nice to leave every once in awhile, though. When I walked in the house I got the running hugs and big hello. It was nice to know I was missed.
Quilt and Playing with Dolls
This is the quilt that I have been working on. It is a house warming gift for my husband's brother who just bought a house.

The Shower
I had no idea when I embarked on motherhood that showering would turn into a well planned, often not well executed, event.
In the early days, showering was non-existent. The majority of my time was spent in pyjamas, not just because of pure exhaustion and lack of sleep, but also because I refused to continue to wear maternity clothes. Pyjamas were not maternity clothes; however, nothing else fit.
Soon, showering only occurred when my husband came home from work. Eventually, I showered when the kids were screaming themselves to sleep for their first nap. That way I didn't have to listen to it. Although, the blood curdling screams could still be heard through the running water often leading to tears (mine), which of course were not tears because I was in the shower!!
The showering during the first nap lasted until the first nap was dropped. Then, started the well planning part. I often tried to shower when I noticed the twins were absorbed in something: TV, play..... or I would just forgo the shower until the afternoon nap. Often I would come out of the shower to screaming, this time of a different kind. Usually because one twin was beating the other. Or worse, no screaming, this usually meant that the twins had banded together and were either wielding knives, smearing bum cream over everything, or writing on the walls/couches with permanent marker. Yes, all of those things has happened.
With the arrival of the new baby, showers have moved once again to nap time. This time the baby's first nap. I can often leave the twins without major incidence now. But, most of the time the twins gravitate to the bathroom while I shower. This is not favorable because the baby sleeps under the bathroom and has often been wakened with the screaming that ensues in the bathroom.
Today, for instance, although the baby was not awakened, I was entertained first with screaming and banging on the outside of the door (for some reason this is the only door that they are unable to open on their own!!) and in entered twin2. Then, the light show began. The light was switch off and on repeatedly and, of course, left in the off position for quite some time. Once out of the shower, I was demanded to watch a demonstration of lassoing the sink with a sewing measuring tape. Eventually, more screaming occurred as once twin took a toy from another twin. I ushered all of us out of the bathroom and breathed a sigh of relief because the baby remained sleeping.
Showering, a well planned event, often poorly executed. I had no idea. I can't wait to see what 3 children will attempt while I sneak my 5 minutes of restoration.
In the early days, showering was non-existent. The majority of my time was spent in pyjamas, not just because of pure exhaustion and lack of sleep, but also because I refused to continue to wear maternity clothes. Pyjamas were not maternity clothes; however, nothing else fit.
Soon, showering only occurred when my husband came home from work. Eventually, I showered when the kids were screaming themselves to sleep for their first nap. That way I didn't have to listen to it. Although, the blood curdling screams could still be heard through the running water often leading to tears (mine), which of course were not tears because I was in the shower!!
The showering during the first nap lasted until the first nap was dropped. Then, started the well planning part. I often tried to shower when I noticed the twins were absorbed in something: TV, play..... or I would just forgo the shower until the afternoon nap. Often I would come out of the shower to screaming, this time of a different kind. Usually because one twin was beating the other. Or worse, no screaming, this usually meant that the twins had banded together and were either wielding knives, smearing bum cream over everything, or writing on the walls/couches with permanent marker. Yes, all of those things has happened.
With the arrival of the new baby, showers have moved once again to nap time. This time the baby's first nap. I can often leave the twins without major incidence now. But, most of the time the twins gravitate to the bathroom while I shower. This is not favorable because the baby sleeps under the bathroom and has often been wakened with the screaming that ensues in the bathroom.
Today, for instance, although the baby was not awakened, I was entertained first with screaming and banging on the outside of the door (for some reason this is the only door that they are unable to open on their own!!) and in entered twin2. Then, the light show began. The light was switch off and on repeatedly and, of course, left in the off position for quite some time. Once out of the shower, I was demanded to watch a demonstration of lassoing the sink with a sewing measuring tape. Eventually, more screaming occurred as once twin took a toy from another twin. I ushered all of us out of the bathroom and breathed a sigh of relief because the baby remained sleeping.
Showering, a well planned event, often poorly executed. I had no idea. I can't wait to see what 3 children will attempt while I sneak my 5 minutes of restoration.
Wake Up, Wake Up
Oooh. I attempted way too much pre-caffeine. It's 8:30 and I am only just having my first cup of tea. The headache has already started. Naughty me. I really should know better. No good deeds until caffeine has been consumed. Check.
I made the twins pancakes this morning. Normally, I am happy to have them help, but today I am just not in the mood. And they only ate 2 pancakes. Grr. I can already tell it is going to be one of those days.
We are sick, yet again. I am tired of being sick every 10 days.
On a silly note. Twin1 has taken to acting like a dog about 60% of the day. It really is funny. He walks around the house on all fours saying, "Wook, Wook." (Trans: woof, woof.) Twin2 has taken it upon himself to be his master and orders 'the dog', as he has been named, around. They even put a horsey backpack on twin1 so that he could have a leash. And last night, twin2 put 'the doggies' food on the floor for him! Giggle. It is funny.
Their imaginations are growing everyday. Twin2 was jumping a car over his popcorn last night. Fun, fun. I do like this stage.
The baby, on the other hand, has been difficult. However, difficult for his standards really isn't bad. I am just not used to it. He is finally getting his 8th tooth and he is not happy about it.
The twins have been waking up a lot again - 4 times a night each. Yesterday, I cut back on the milk consumption again and we are back to one waking each. Ya. Note to self - not too much milk. It's tough, though, because they love their milk. It is their one comfort item. When I give them a sippy of milk, they sit on the couch and their eyes roll into the back of their heads. They really do love it and it is hard to say no. It's just milk, but too much seems to affect the potty training and sleeping. Too bad.
I am almost finished my second quilt. This one is a man quilt. I quite like it. Too bad I am giving it away.
I hear loud noises in the other room. Gotta man my post. I am now starting to feel caffeine ready. Ya caffeine.
Oh, I gave the twins and my nephew a hair cut yesterday. Here is a picture of where twin1 fell asleep hiding on me. He really wasn't that hard to find with all the snoring.

I made the twins pancakes this morning. Normally, I am happy to have them help, but today I am just not in the mood. And they only ate 2 pancakes. Grr. I can already tell it is going to be one of those days.
We are sick, yet again. I am tired of being sick every 10 days.
On a silly note. Twin1 has taken to acting like a dog about 60% of the day. It really is funny. He walks around the house on all fours saying, "Wook, Wook." (Trans: woof, woof.) Twin2 has taken it upon himself to be his master and orders 'the dog', as he has been named, around. They even put a horsey backpack on twin1 so that he could have a leash. And last night, twin2 put 'the doggies' food on the floor for him! Giggle. It is funny.
Their imaginations are growing everyday. Twin2 was jumping a car over his popcorn last night. Fun, fun. I do like this stage.
The baby, on the other hand, has been difficult. However, difficult for his standards really isn't bad. I am just not used to it. He is finally getting his 8th tooth and he is not happy about it.
The twins have been waking up a lot again - 4 times a night each. Yesterday, I cut back on the milk consumption again and we are back to one waking each. Ya. Note to self - not too much milk. It's tough, though, because they love their milk. It is their one comfort item. When I give them a sippy of milk, they sit on the couch and their eyes roll into the back of their heads. They really do love it and it is hard to say no. It's just milk, but too much seems to affect the potty training and sleeping. Too bad.
I am almost finished my second quilt. This one is a man quilt. I quite like it. Too bad I am giving it away.
I hear loud noises in the other room. Gotta man my post. I am now starting to feel caffeine ready. Ya caffeine.
Oh, I gave the twins and my nephew a hair cut yesterday. Here is a picture of where twin1 fell asleep hiding on me. He really wasn't that hard to find with all the snoring.
This is twin1 hair cut. He didn't want his picture being taken.
Twin2's hair cut while reading a book under the desk in the kitchen!
And of course, the baby enjoying some couch time. He loves it.
I am actually at work today. Although, I have to say that it kind of feels like a bit of downtime while the kids are sleeping. I keep waiting for the shoe to drop.
My wonderful mother is watching all three kids today. I stopped my at lunch and the potty training was not going. My mother was hoping to shame them into peeing on the potty at their request and of course pooping on the potty.. I guess we'll see if it works.
My day has been an absolute breeze. At the moment, I don't even have any kids. I guess it is because it's before Christmas Break and a lot of the classes have parties, and are decorating classrooms and such. My poor classes never got to do all that stuff. Sure, I had movies every once in a while, but not the teacher/parent induced 'festivities' that they were used to. This morning, I watched a cartoon movie for two hours. Here I thought I was getting away from cartoons. Hmph.
My husband had his first day on his new job today. He is now the Commercial and Small Fleet Sales Manager at the GM store. Still with the Mertin Auto Group, of course. We are extremly pleased with this change. He was ready for another challenge. Hopefully now he will get to utilize some of his talent and abilities. Ya. I have heard it said that a happy wife = happy family. All I care about is that my family is happy, so really... A happy family = happy wife. Of course it is great when they all do what I say!! He, he.
My husband and I had a blast at his holiday party. There was a band and all they played was oldies rock. It was awesome. I love dancing.
Well, the bell is about to go. Back to the real work - being a mom. It was nice to have a bit of a break and make some money, though. I already have plans for what I am going to buy myself - an undermount radio for the kitchen. That way I can listen to music while I cook. Then all I will have to do is wait for the holiday music to cease. Ha.
My wonderful mother is watching all three kids today. I stopped my at lunch and the potty training was not going. My mother was hoping to shame them into peeing on the potty at their request and of course pooping on the potty.. I guess we'll see if it works.
My day has been an absolute breeze. At the moment, I don't even have any kids. I guess it is because it's before Christmas Break and a lot of the classes have parties, and are decorating classrooms and such. My poor classes never got to do all that stuff. Sure, I had movies every once in a while, but not the teacher/parent induced 'festivities' that they were used to. This morning, I watched a cartoon movie for two hours. Here I thought I was getting away from cartoons. Hmph.
My husband had his first day on his new job today. He is now the Commercial and Small Fleet Sales Manager at the GM store. Still with the Mertin Auto Group, of course. We are extremly pleased with this change. He was ready for another challenge. Hopefully now he will get to utilize some of his talent and abilities. Ya. I have heard it said that a happy wife = happy family. All I care about is that my family is happy, so really... A happy family = happy wife. Of course it is great when they all do what I say!! He, he.
My husband and I had a blast at his holiday party. There was a band and all they played was oldies rock. It was awesome. I love dancing.
Well, the bell is about to go. Back to the real work - being a mom. It was nice to have a bit of a break and make some money, though. I already have plans for what I am going to buy myself - an undermount radio for the kitchen. That way I can listen to music while I cook. Then all I will have to do is wait for the holiday music to cease. Ha.
I had the itch to get out of the house today. I phoned up my mother and off we went to visit "The Greats." We had a wonderful visit. Grandma was up and about. She even got on the floor and played with the boys. Wow. It was truly wonderful to see. Grandpa looks good too. He was excited that he had lost 11 lbs. over the year. He just got a new GPS and was fiddling around with it. He now knows how to get to my mother's house!! He said he would wait for my next visit to put my address in and learn how to get to my house!!!! Giggle. Aren't they wonderful. 84 and still going strong.
All the kids were great on the trip. We even managed two stops. One to a sewing store so my mother could yell at the lady who sold her a program with glitches in it. Grrrr. She was not happy to have to do this and was quite worked up when finished. We also managed a quick jet through Costco. And we really were quick. On a weekend and everything. Who knew.
All the kids slept on the way home, so I even got to unload the car and put everything away before things started to melt/spoil.....
At the moment, I am sitting in my house coat, sucking all my loose twin skin in with a body slimmer, wearing way too much makeup, waiting for my husband to finish getting ready for his staff party tonight. He, he. Men take so long to get ready! I have been trying to loose just a few more pounds so that I could wear my mothers 30 year old poppy dress. It is beautiful. I have always wanted to wear it, but was either not small enough or had no event to wear it to. Tonight, I get to wear it. I will have to remember my camera and get a picture of my dashing husband and myself. I can't wait to start dancing. I love dancing.
Good night.
All the kids were great on the trip. We even managed two stops. One to a sewing store so my mother could yell at the lady who sold her a program with glitches in it. Grrrr. She was not happy to have to do this and was quite worked up when finished. We also managed a quick jet through Costco. And we really were quick. On a weekend and everything. Who knew.
All the kids slept on the way home, so I even got to unload the car and put everything away before things started to melt/spoil.....
At the moment, I am sitting in my house coat, sucking all my loose twin skin in with a body slimmer, wearing way too much makeup, waiting for my husband to finish getting ready for his staff party tonight. He, he. Men take so long to get ready! I have been trying to loose just a few more pounds so that I could wear my mothers 30 year old poppy dress. It is beautiful. I have always wanted to wear it, but was either not small enough or had no event to wear it to. Tonight, I get to wear it. I will have to remember my camera and get a picture of my dashing husband and myself. I can't wait to start dancing. I love dancing.
Good night.
Late Night, Early Morning
We had a late night last night. All 3 kids had a nap yesterday, at the same time. Wahoo. Except, I was also watching my nephew who didn't want to sleep. As a result of the nap, the twins stayed up late to watch a movie. We started off watching Monsters vs. Aliens, but they asked us to turn it off because it was too scary. I like that they know their limits and aren't afraid to express them. So, we switched to "The Little Polar Bear", which twin1 picked out. It was a cute cartoon and was received much better. At 9:30, I sent the twins to bed, did a few last minute things around the house, and I went off to bed. At 10:30, twin2 opened the bedroom door complaining that his rooster (a blown up latex glove) was broken. They were still up! I fell asleep and they continued to play in their room!! Good thing they didn't get adventurous and head out of the house. I put them back in to bed and then remained up for the next hour making sure that they really were asleep and not just pretending. My husband was playing hockey.
Despite the late night, both were up at 6:00am. I don't mind the early mornings, but they are probably going to nap again today because of the late night + early morning = another late night. Ug.
We went to "Strong Start" this morning. We had a great time as always. It was library day. They are doing better at sitting, but they still fidget a lot. I think that this is okay. I don't think that 3 year old's should have to stay still and stare at the teacher for a long time. I think that kids should be moving and reacting to the book. I don't know. Some kids seem to be great at focusing. My kids like to move around and I don't think it is a bad thing. I let them move around, but other mom's in the group try to get the twins to sit, stop kicking, cross your legs..... I am not sure what age that this should be enforced, if ever. I taught some kids who had to keep moving to stay focused. Take me for example, when I watch a movie or read a book, I am always fidgeting. Rarely do I sit completely still. In fact, as I sit here typing, I am curling my toes. Perhaps, it is not so much the fidgeting, but the type of fidgeting. I guess, teaching appropriate fidgeting may be required at some point, but not now.
We have a busy weekend planned. My husbands Christmas party is Saturday. There is going to be a band. I get to go dancing. I am very excited. Then, on Monday, both my husband and I have Dentist appointments. I despise the dentist. I am having two fillings replace. Yick.
Despite the late night, both were up at 6:00am. I don't mind the early mornings, but they are probably going to nap again today because of the late night + early morning = another late night. Ug.
We went to "Strong Start" this morning. We had a great time as always. It was library day. They are doing better at sitting, but they still fidget a lot. I think that this is okay. I don't think that 3 year old's should have to stay still and stare at the teacher for a long time. I think that kids should be moving and reacting to the book. I don't know. Some kids seem to be great at focusing. My kids like to move around and I don't think it is a bad thing. I let them move around, but other mom's in the group try to get the twins to sit, stop kicking, cross your legs..... I am not sure what age that this should be enforced, if ever. I taught some kids who had to keep moving to stay focused. Take me for example, when I watch a movie or read a book, I am always fidgeting. Rarely do I sit completely still. In fact, as I sit here typing, I am curling my toes. Perhaps, it is not so much the fidgeting, but the type of fidgeting. I guess, teaching appropriate fidgeting may be required at some point, but not now.
We have a busy weekend planned. My husbands Christmas party is Saturday. There is going to be a band. I get to go dancing. I am very excited. Then, on Monday, both my husband and I have Dentist appointments. I despise the dentist. I am having two fillings replace. Yick.
Here is a video of the baby walking. Although it isn't a great video, it is a giggle. If you listen closely you can hear twin1 trying to convince me that the smell emanating from his bottom is not poop.
This second video is a much better picture of the baby walking. He is very proud of himself. He can walk all over the house now and can even stand up in the middle of the room unassisted.
Twin2 and his invention.
I do hope that he doesn't utilize it anytime in the future.

I do hope that he doesn't utilize it anytime in the future.
Only a 3 year old would create a personal wedgie device, then sit and read a book.
Bath Time
How adorable. I couldn't resist a couple of pictures. Sorry, the few ski pictures I took are on my phone and I have no idea how to get them off. We tried to get a video of the baby walking, but he was having none of it. We'll try again later.
We had a beautiful weekend of skiing. The snow was great, but the temp was a bit cold: -15C, -20C the day we left.
We got away Saturday after my husband's work at a great time - 5:30 - which meant that we arrived at the ski hill at 9:30. Wonderful. All the boys slept the whole way, except for a brief interlude from Twin1. He kept us entertained with his driving abilities, "Sign STOP, mom." and "GOOOOO." He is very helpful. I have no idea how his brothers continued to sleep.
The next morning we were up early because the twins had a lesson at 8:30am. We had to pick up their skis and boots at 8:00am, so things were moving very early around the house. I am pretty sure that my sister would not have liked the thundering elephants running around the place that morning. We managed to arrive at everything on time. The twins were very keen to put on boots and walk around. As we waited for the instructor, they even put the skis on and were happily pushed around by Nan and Dad. The instructor arrived and so did the meltdown. I had to go put the baby down for his nap, so I left a protesting twin1 behind. I guess things went down hill from there for twin1. He did not want to be in the presence of the instructor. Twin2, however, did awesome. He went up and down the little slope, guided by the instructor, like he knew what he was doing. I arrived back to see 2 trips down the slope, but then he got very cold. The instructor took his skis off and suggested some jumping, but twin2 took off and never looked back. He was heading to his mommy. He began crying, so we knew the lesson was over.
We had planned for both boys to go into the daycare after the lesson, but they were both so upset that we scrapped that idea and went home for hot chocolate and a movie. All in all, we were pretty happy with the fact that they were willing to put the equipment on and twin2's progress.
At home, we changed all the peed on clothes and I made hot chocolate for them, which they said was, "Yuck, mom." and, "Yuckies." Really. What was I thinking? Plain milk did the trick, though.
We attempted to put all the kids down for an afternoon nap. At which time, my husband and I escaped for some skiing. I still got it. Wahoo. It was great.
We arrived back to a full house of awake kids. Around 3:00pm, we managed to coax the twins back outside. They happily put their skis on and went up and down the little slope in front of the house. I guess the idea of the ski instructor was just too traumatic for twin1. They did fantastic in front of the house, though. Really good. We are going to pick up some boots and skis, so that we can head out any time.
All in all, a completely successful weekend. The drive was wonderfully uneventful. The packing took minimal effort. And we all successfully skied. Wahoo. We have finally entered in to the fun zone with the twins. Now, if we could just conquer this potty thing! My mom keeps suggesting that we give up - I will persevere.....
We got away Saturday after my husband's work at a great time - 5:30 - which meant that we arrived at the ski hill at 9:30. Wonderful. All the boys slept the whole way, except for a brief interlude from Twin1. He kept us entertained with his driving abilities, "Sign STOP, mom." and "GOOOOO." He is very helpful. I have no idea how his brothers continued to sleep.
The next morning we were up early because the twins had a lesson at 8:30am. We had to pick up their skis and boots at 8:00am, so things were moving very early around the house. I am pretty sure that my sister would not have liked the thundering elephants running around the place that morning. We managed to arrive at everything on time. The twins were very keen to put on boots and walk around. As we waited for the instructor, they even put the skis on and were happily pushed around by Nan and Dad. The instructor arrived and so did the meltdown. I had to go put the baby down for his nap, so I left a protesting twin1 behind. I guess things went down hill from there for twin1. He did not want to be in the presence of the instructor. Twin2, however, did awesome. He went up and down the little slope, guided by the instructor, like he knew what he was doing. I arrived back to see 2 trips down the slope, but then he got very cold. The instructor took his skis off and suggested some jumping, but twin2 took off and never looked back. He was heading to his mommy. He began crying, so we knew the lesson was over.
We had planned for both boys to go into the daycare after the lesson, but they were both so upset that we scrapped that idea and went home for hot chocolate and a movie. All in all, we were pretty happy with the fact that they were willing to put the equipment on and twin2's progress.
At home, we changed all the peed on clothes and I made hot chocolate for them, which they said was, "Yuck, mom." and, "Yuckies." Really. What was I thinking? Plain milk did the trick, though.
We attempted to put all the kids down for an afternoon nap. At which time, my husband and I escaped for some skiing. I still got it. Wahoo. It was great.
We arrived back to a full house of awake kids. Around 3:00pm, we managed to coax the twins back outside. They happily put their skis on and went up and down the little slope in front of the house. I guess the idea of the ski instructor was just too traumatic for twin1. They did fantastic in front of the house, though. Really good. We are going to pick up some boots and skis, so that we can head out any time.
All in all, a completely successful weekend. The drive was wonderfully uneventful. The packing took minimal effort. And we all successfully skied. Wahoo. We have finally entered in to the fun zone with the twins. Now, if we could just conquer this potty thing! My mom keeps suggesting that we give up - I will persevere.....
It's Official!
Yes, it is. The baby is walking. Wow. I can't believe it. He is a whole 2 months ahead of where his brothers were. A couple of days ago, he even said, "Ba," (Bye) to a lady as we were leaving a store. The second, third in our case, child certainly does develop quicker.
I thought my Aussie relatives would appreciate this. The twins most used phrase at the moment is - "No worries, mom." Yup. There is a little Aussie in them.
We are off for our first ski adventure of the year this weekend. The twins are booked in for a ski lesson/day care on Sunday morning. I hope it goes well.
I thought my Aussie relatives would appreciate this. The twins most used phrase at the moment is - "No worries, mom." Yup. There is a little Aussie in them.
We are off for our first ski adventure of the year this weekend. The twins are booked in for a ski lesson/day care on Sunday morning. I hope it goes well.
Here are some recent pictures. We, my husband, took the twins skating on Monday. They are doing really good. They hold on to the handle bars without falling, can pick themselves up when they do fall, and get around the rink pretty quickly.

Twin1 decided to accessorize with some 'Cars' stickers. Twin2, of course, helped.
Twin1 decided to accessorize with some 'Cars' stickers. Twin2, of course, helped.
We are now back to some semblance of normality around here. My husband went back to work today, well actually last night. We are all sleeping and eating (and keeping it down). Now I have to attempt to wean the kids off of TV again after watching it non stop while we were all sick.
Some interesting things happened this week. The baby can crawl down the stairs backwards. We have only tried him with three steps, but he did it over and over the other day.
We picked the boys up some ski helmets, gloves, and goggles yesterday in preparation for their first ski lesson next weekend!! They seem to be excited, but I am not sure that they actually know what they are getting in to.
Twin1 is back to calling me, "Mumma." My husband says it sounds like the deep south around here when he is calling me. I love it.
Twin2 is getting very good at cutting. In fact, he took it upon himself to cut the quilt (my very first one) that I made in a few spots. Grrr.
Something interesting to me... The twins will now go to time out unassisted when they are in trouble. They still sometimes run away, but the chasing seems to be decreasing at the moment.
The drivers side car window went kaput. My husband took it in to get fixed today. Cha-ching. Ouch. At least it helps that he works for a dealership and gets a good rate.
Lets hope the day fairs well with no vehicle.
Some interesting things happened this week. The baby can crawl down the stairs backwards. We have only tried him with three steps, but he did it over and over the other day.
We picked the boys up some ski helmets, gloves, and goggles yesterday in preparation for their first ski lesson next weekend!! They seem to be excited, but I am not sure that they actually know what they are getting in to.
Twin1 is back to calling me, "Mumma." My husband says it sounds like the deep south around here when he is calling me. I love it.
Twin2 is getting very good at cutting. In fact, he took it upon himself to cut the quilt (my very first one) that I made in a few spots. Grrr.
Something interesting to me... The twins will now go to time out unassisted when they are in trouble. They still sometimes run away, but the chasing seems to be decreasing at the moment.
The drivers side car window went kaput. My husband took it in to get fixed today. Cha-ching. Ouch. At least it helps that he works for a dealership and gets a good rate.
Lets hope the day fairs well with no vehicle.
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